Saturday, August 31, 2019

Compare and Contrast: Hinduism and Islam

Hinduism and Islam: Compare and Contrast It is universally known that religious faiths creates diversity in culture and give new identity and outlook to matters signifying a new way life. In most cases, religious faith is accountable for people’s behavior in conducting daily activities including business, work, socialization, and cultural functions within a specified community. The immensely large majority of the human species has always looked to a higher power for acceptance, love, enlightenment, guidance, and even sometimes discipline.There are many different religions with many different practices and beliefs, however, in this paper I will be comparing and contrasting the belief on who is worshiped as the â€Å"higher power† as well as the diet practices and rituals of the two common religions known as Hinduism and Islam. Hinduism and Islam have been preexisting for a very long time. Hinduism main roots dating back in India and Islam from the Arab world, the two hav e quite a vast number of differences and similarities as well.Hinduism and Islam, other than Christianity, are two out of three major religions followed in the world. It is difficult to spot any similarities between the two religious groups since they are known globally to cause war and chaos wherever they come together. However, the two religions show vast differences beginning from their origins and development. Islam believes that their faith is founded on the faith outline by a prophet of God called Mohammed.Mohammed is the core founder of the Islamic religion since the time he received revelations from Allah. On the other hand, Hinduism began as integration of numerous religious groups in the subcontinent of India where, at the time, there many wonderers, exiled communities, and prophetic individuals. The groups came together to form the contemporary Hindu religion (Anon. , 2013). Most principally, the two religions have a different concept concerning the Supreme Being, God. Th e Muslim believes in the existence of one almighty God referred to as Allah.Allah is given numerous positive attributes by Muslims relating him to greatness, however; Allah is also termed as merciful, the creator of all, the sustainer of all human life, and the incomparable one. This concept that Allah is incomparable has allowed all Muslims around the world, though with diverse cultures and languages, to refer to God as Allah. Moreover, the name Allah is a discrete name from the language Aramaic which is a language historically known to have been the native language of Jesus. This kind of belief and complete trust in the existence of one God are essentially known as monotheism (Naik, 2007).On the other hand, the Hindu believes about the existence of one Supreme Being is contrary to that of Muslims. Hindus practice polytheism which is basically the belief in multiple Gods. The word Hindu has a geographic importance relating to a certain community referred to as Sindhu who lived beyo nd the river Indus in ancient India. It is noteworthy to indicate that the Hindu believes that everything is God starting from the physical elements such as trees, mountains, and rivers to living things such as humans. This in religious education is referred to as Pantheism.While Muslims believe that everything is God’s, the Hindu on the contrary perceives everything as God. In a global perspective, the Hindu has a quite diversified perception of God since every community may have more than a hundred Gods, whereas others believe to a minimum of three Gods. Hindus have come up with an argument that they should adopt and refer to only one God as divine and sacred. This may bring some internal conflicts among the Hindus since the scholars might be compromising with their ancient beliefs and customs (Brodd, 2003, p. 108).However, the two religions agree that man is a manifestation of Gods wonderful creation. This means that all the two agree on is that God or Gods created man and other physical and spiritual creations. Muslims believe that man was created the same in that all men are equal in the eyes and perception of God. In this case, Muslims are against any discrimination on the basis of social status, race, or tribe. Also, Muslims fail to agree that God favors individuals on the basis of wealth and other material properties but favor from Allah is given to anyone on the basis of virtues and piety.On the other hand, Hindus believe that men were created in caste systems, which articulates mankind is not equal. Instead, human beings are categorized into four facets. The firsts group is referred to as Brahmans who represents the highest people in society on the basis of priesthood, wealth and social status, and intellectual abilities. This group is certainly the most respected and adored since everything is God according to Hinduism. The subsequent group, Kshatriya is slightly lower in terms of social class, wealth, and intellectual capabilities since it r epresent the ruling class including warriors and heroes in the society.The third category is referred to as Vaisya a group mainly composed of agriculturalist and artisans in the community. The last group, Sudras includes the lowest ranked individuals in the community probably on the basis of poverty and lack of intellectual abilities. Muslims and Hindus acknowledge that there is life after death since they all believe in the existence of the soul. Also, they both believe that there is judgment after the physical death. In addition, the judgment is based on the deeds and the way a person has lived have or her life.The positive virtues such as humbleness, respect, merciful, and faithful among others are believed to influence positive results from the judgment. However, the concept with which they both perceive life after death is what differs among the two religions. Hindus do not believe in the existence of an awful place formally known as hell, or the existence of heaven. Instead, H indus believe in the power of reincarnation. This means that they believe that a person is born afresh in another life once he or she dies.The reincarnated person will then acquire a new status based on his virtues and attributes of the previous life. This contradicts with Muslims beliefs of the body and soul. Muslims believe that a human being has two destinations either heaven or hell. Heaven is for people who have upheld their belief and trust in Allah with the refection of their deeds. On the contrary is a place of anguish and torture for those who refuse to follow Allah outlined commandments. However, the decision to go to either place depends on the ruling made on the Day of Judgment.Similarly, both religions have a certain animal they are restricted to eat. In Islam, they have all the luxury to eat all kind of meats from cows, lambs, goats, and poultry except pigs due to some beliefs about the unsacred nature of the pig meat. Hindu believes that because food is a gift from Go d, it should be treated with great respect (V, 2000). Hindus do not enjoy the luxury of eating cow meat since they perceive the animal as sacred due to their pantheism nature. Devout Hindus believe that all of God’s creatures re worthy of respect and compassion, regardless of whether they are humans or animals (Elgindy 2005). Therefore, a cow is viewed as divine and sacred hence it cannot be eaten. Hinduism encourages being vegetarian and avoiding the eating of any animal meat or flesh (Elgindy 2005). However, not all Hindus choose to practice vegetarianism, and they may adhere to the religion’s dietary codes in varying degrees of strictness (Elgindy 2005). Also, the two religious groups do pray except that they pray differently.Hindus mostly pray in temples, whereas Muslims usually pray mosques. Hindus temples are usually decorated with various pictures that manifest the being or the nature of their Gods. However, Muslims are not allowed to have any pictures in their mosques since God is incomparable to anything not even the physical representation through pictures. The Islamic religion is founded on the basis of activism which calls for all Muslims to go out to the entire world teaching people to adopt and believe in the faith outline by the Quran, the Muslim Holy Scripture.Therefore, most Muslims are dedicated to teaching their traditions and practices concerning their faith to other tribes and humanity that do not necessarily espouse Muslim beliefs and faith. On the contrary, Hinduism is based on personal principles of tolerance which include patient listening even to non believers. Hindus basically believe it is a matter of time before people reawaken and embrace Hindu principles and their faith. Therefore, Hindus believe that, at the end, all religion in the world will conform to their belief in pantheism.Muslims are very specific to their ritual and religious practices since they observe strict fasting periods to even over five days in spe cial periods such as namaz and roza. Fasting is considered an opportunity to earn the approval of Allah, to wipe out previous sins, and to understand the suffering of the poor (Katme 2009). Fasting is also partly to be in control of appetite and to avoid food addiction (Katme 2009). It is the fourth ritual observance in the Five Pillars of Islam. Also, Muslims wake up very early in the morning, on a daily basis, to pray to their God, Allah.On the contrary, Hindu does not put much effort in religious rituals instead they engage in selfless activities so as to increase their probability of being reincarnated to a higher being. In addition, Hindus belief that God is everything, simply outlines that God can take any form to reveal his existence. Hindus also outline that their view of God shows that God has unconditional love for love humanity and creatures. Therefore, God is not necessarily a male according to Hindus, instead; God can reveal himself inform of a female figure or an anima l.Islam religion believes in the existence of God’s angels who are given the duty to fulfill God’s tasks. In Muslim, God cannot reveal himself in any human or physical form, however; rather than revealing his nature in a divine form he sends angles to protect human beings. Moreover, angles are invisible to the naked eye, and they also do not need human comfort since they are heavenly created hence do not posses human qualities. The two religions are similar in that they are built on the theory of commitment to God. This theory requires all the believers in both religions to trust and obey God without question or doubt.Also, the theory is based on purity and peace supported by unquestionable submission to God. Although, the two religions strictly foster people to trust and obey God, they acknowledge the importance of own will in a personal decision. This means that Hindu and Islam do not force any individual to become one of their own or restrict someone from going into other religions. Instead, followers are given the will to decide whether to stay, or shift to other religious belief, but once an individual decides to stay him or she must follow the religious principle held by the either of the group.Beside, followers are allowed to choose on their own with the consent that their decision and their way of living will be judged or will affect their reincarnation in the next life (Horton & Plunkett, 2002, p. 36). Also, there are other slight but significant differences among the two religions. The Muslim religion is based on a politically built system emulating Mohammed way of living which was essentially based on military power, missionary zeal, and political control. On the other hand, Hindu believes in many Gods is meant to provide spiritual freedom to the followers devoid of political influences.Also, Hindu religion is presented as a more feminine religion rather since the symbol of the cow signifies motherhood and fertility. Also, many Hindu d eities are females and their temples consist of arts full of female figures. Muslim, on the other hand, worship a masculine Allah since most of the women are not allowed to enter mosques, and also women are veiled while in public. There are also different ways to realize the truth in Hindu, whereas Islam’s believes in only one true way (Brass, 2005, p. 119).The two religions outline one another as arrogant and disapprove their faith, on the basis of varied grounds. For many years, there have been various wars and grievances containing the two religions with Muslims killing numerous Hindus in India for destroying their places of worships, Mosques. As seen in the above contest, there are more differences in the nature of the tow religions rather similarities. Hindus and Islam’s disagree on the bases of existence of one God, life after death, existence of angles, and others key areas relevant to religion.However, both religions are built on positive attributes, the theory of devotion to God and acknowledge the importance of human free will. Therefore, there is no place that both religion advocates for war or hatred that have preexisted among the two religions. Since both of the Gods allow positive attributes of love and tolerance, these attributes should be used as a basis for uniting the two religions. Works Cited Anon. , 2013. Diffrence Between net. Retrieved from: http://www. differencebetween. net/miscellaneous/difference-between-islam-and-hinduism/ Brass, P. R. , (2005).Language, Religion And Politics in North India. 2 ed. New Delhi: iUniverse. Brodd, J. , (2003). World Religions 2003: A Voyage of Discovery. 2 ed. Winona: Saint Mary's Press. Horton, P. & Plunkett, R. , (2002). Delhi. 3 ed. Footscray: Lonely Planet Online Shop. Katme, Majid A. , (2009). Faith and Food: Retrieved from http://www. faithandfood. com/Islam Naik, Z. , (2007). Basic Beliefs of Hindus and Muslims: Retrieved from http://www. islam101. com/religions/hinduism/hindu_muslim . html V, Jayaram. (2000). The Hindu way of life Part 1 & 2. Retrieved from http://www. hinduwebsite. com/

Elie Wiesel’s “Night”- Journal Entry Essay

Luck is on Wiesel’s Side†I am too old, my son,† he answered. â€Å"Too old to start a new life. Too old to start from scratch in some distant land†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (9)This scene where Elie’s father rejects his son’s request to liquidate everything and flee from the place where the extermination of Jews may occur, reminds me of a vivid conversation I once engaged in, with my two former North Korean grandparents. The Korean War (1950-53) and the Holocaust (1938-45) are in most aspects different, however, there is a heartbreaking similarity existing between the two incidents. That is, the pain of the victims gained from the separation of the family. While reading this novel Night, for several times we questioned the reason why the Jews , despite hearing the Nazi plans of annihilating the entire population dispersed throughout nations, didn’t take chance to flee from the town. As we discussed in class, primarily, the Jews were skeptical that such inhumane incident would take place in the world, until they underwent the incredible agonies both physically and mentally. Secondly, the Jews simply were unable to find some place to leave for. Sure enough, they were unwilling to become homeless even under adverse conditions of life under the hands of the SS officers. (which they didn’t expect to be the holocaust)The first reason pointed above also applies to the families during the Korean War. Subsequent to the outbreak of war, young, strong men were forced to join the army in North Korea. This meant to my North Korean grandfather in his 30s, fighting against the South Koreans was a patriotic obligation. However, he refused to fight, or support the government, and along the group of crowd he realized that the only way of escaping from the ordeal was to abandon his home and flee to the South. Of course, he strongly urged his parents to come along with him. Nevertheless, they responded him by emphasizing him of their old age and their strong will to ensure the safety of the house until the war ends. In spite of my grandfather’s further persuasion, they remained stubborn, and he could do nothing but to leave his parents behind and depart to a distant land. In the novel, I was indeed glad when the Wiesel family encounters their  former maid Maria in Uncle Mendel’s house, Elie refuses her offer of safe shelter in her village. Sure enough, if Elie and his brother went off with her, they might have avoided the terrifying labor camps where their livelihoods were jeopardized. However, I feel that wouldn’t be worse than the guilt of deserting one’s own blood and flesh. Although we must take in consideration of Wiesel witnessing his father’s death, he is aware that keeping silence is the optimal choice that wouldn’t exacerbate the situation, whereas my grandparents made the decision by themselves, to abandon their parents and friends with their own two feet. (though they weren’t aware that North and South would be completely divided)My grandparents have always regretted the decision they’ve made. They felt deep remorse in leaving their parents for their own good. My grandfather, for years, too k alcohol as a catharsis to his mental pains, and my grandmother would frequently break into tears by the tragic separation and the gnawing guilt at her premature decision. For the several decades of their life, they have been hoping to see their loved ones again through the many channels of communication including telephone, letters, the media or family visits that existed in the recent years. Unfortunately, they never reached in contact with them. Bearing in mind the threatens of the authority of its propaganda, the government in Pyongyang is preventing personal exchanges as much as it can, for they are unwilling to permit individuals from the estranged parts of the country to meet in person. For fifty years, they lived a life without hearing from their parents and relatives. My grandfather unfortunately passed away two years ago due to cancer, and his cemetery is located in the closest area to the border between North and South Korea. Luck is on Wiesel’s side for he can stay with his father in the labor camps, which definitely gives him a meaning to his life and thus he gains the hope, support and the reason to survive. If I were put in his shoes at the start of the novel, and had to make a choice between labor camps and abandoning parents, I would have chosen the former categorically.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mobile Phone Life Cycle

Samsung Electronics is a semiconductor mobile phone and mobile phone component manufacturer. It exists in the most dynamic end of the consumer product industry. It cannot succeed without continuous incremental improvement and without constantly updating its product portfolio. The product life cycle for its premium product the Samsung galaxy S3 is estimated to be only 9 months. This occurs because customers withhold purchasing a product for which they know is going to be updated and replaced imminently.Samsung is a conglomerate in multiple markets, with the main profit centres being mobile telecommunications and information technology manufacturing. Samsung has posted record profits in its most recent financial quarter. Samsung is a dynamic but reactionary company; it emulates innovations by other manufacturers such as Apple but it operates in a marketplace where such things are common. It manufactures components for most other manufacturers of mobiles tablets and PCs. Samsung has an adversarial relationship with Apple who is Samsung’s both Samsung’s main competitor in mobile telephony and one of its biggest customer’s.Samsung has an advantage over Apple at present in that it has the infrastructure and dynamic capability to manufacture the components required. This leaves its main rival Apple requiring Samsung’s co-operation. Samsung is seeking to increase the price which it charges Apple. Strategically this is a wise option as switching costs for Apple essentially having to retool its entire operating network and refresh its product’s. Samsung is a company that prefers to grow organically. It has been suggested that the firm engage in a purchase of Blackberry maker Research in Motion. This would be characterised as a defensive acquisition.It would be merely adding to its portfolio of assets and gaining ownership of a mobile operating system. Currently it licences the Android from Google. Samsung has a strong diverse product po rtfolio and is capable of competing in numerous markets from the low end smartphones to the Premium Galaxy range; Samsung has a product for every possible price point. Samsung partners with other providers and builds phones and other devices for them such as the Google Chrome book. In an industry where there are numerous rivals and whereby Product Life Cycles are becoming progressively shorter.Samsung has an advantage in that as a semiconductor manufacturer it can respond to changes in the market dynamic quicker. A disadvantage for Samsung is that is does not have the same prestige as Apple and therefore cannot charge such premiums for its products. Samsung has to offer more at a lower price point than Apple does for its competing products. Samsung’s flagship Galaxy Range has 2 rivals for Apples iPhone the Galaxy S3 and the Galaxy NOTE 2. These combined even though they are of similar quality and differentiated towards different market segments than the iPhone 5 sales are sti ll less than Apple.Could Samsung drop the Samsung nomenclature and market its high end models as Galaxy? This could enhance the appeal of the high end premium line. In the technology business Samsung is a rare beast in that it rarely makes acquisitions. Very few technology acquisitions are deliberately earnings generative. Facebook buying Instagram and Microsoft buying Skype are considered to be primarily defensive plays to enhance and protect certain advantages each of these companies had. Samsung could purchase a rival chip maker, though logistically and practically there would be little point in doing so.Another concept potentially to consider would be merging with Google to create an all in one hardware and software company. While logistically this would be the ultimate defensive move by both sides, it would be very difficult integrating the different business cultures it would probably mean that Samsung would have to move its headquarters to the U. S. A. A merger to companies t hat are on friendly terms as it is would certainly produce synergies in financing, but as they both maintain large cash piles that are increasing every quarter it doesn’t seem that the risk would be worth it.Another option for Samsung would be Nokia this would give Samsung 30 per cent of all the patents for 4G networks which would give the firm a significant royalty stream from every 4G enabled phone worldwide over the next 8 to 10 years which is the expected length that 4G will remain as the most modern network. Samsung will however be paying for a brand name and significantly weak company . It would also have to fend off rumoured interest from Microsoft. It would be a costly acquisition at 30 billion dollars given the Market Capitalisation of Nokia today and the required premium with which would be required to be successful.Samsung could use its partnership with Renault Nissan in the automotive industry to create a suite of products automatically synchronised with the car. This would be similar enough the Tesla Model S. While this is a left-field suggestion it is leveraging assets that Samsung already has and utilising it in order to serve its main Profitable arm. This allows the firm to gain a competitive advantage over its main rival Apple. The struggling Nippon-French automobile manufacturing partnership might also be receptive to an outright takeover by Samsung.Samsung has heretofore been a trend follower, albeit a very adept and nimble one. It hasn’t necessarily been the most innovative company, however with product life cycles getting consistently smaller and the competition which Samsung faces at all ends of the market from the low end to very top is also getting more innovative. Samsung is one of only a small number of companies that could redefine the market. It already produces Smart TVs in large quantities. It could start selling phones laptops and tablets TVs in large bulk quantities by already pre synchronising them for customers.I ts steps like this that will put it ahead of its main rival Apple which is rumoured to be introducing a television that is expected to permanently alter viewing experience. In order to successfully manage this transition Samsung would have to be ahead in the U. S. A first and foremost. Gaining access to material is what blocked Apples entry into this new market. Aggressively Samsung could purchase a cable company or Netflix and control this content for itself, gaining such an imperative competitive advantage.Samsung if it wanted to be aggressive could stop supplying Apple severely hampering its main rival’s operations while aggressively increasing market share elsewhere by undercutting Apple. Another strategy would be to introduce a phone that would have enhanced abilities i. e. a class above its premium Galaxy range and equivalent iPhone 5 and Google Nexus 5. This would entrap Apple in a Pincer movement that would allow Samsung to be effectively the supplier of the latest ac cessory mobile phone, which at present is the iPhone 5 rather than the equivalent S3 and Note 2.The other strategy is to remain second the mobile phone market and a distant competitor to Apple in the Tablet market, this is the most conservative option and requires the least capital outlay, however it risks being overtaken in the same way Nokia was. In the technology market an aggressive approach would be beneficial, but as the relationship between Google and Samsung is seen as quite good the optimal strategy would be to jointly design products that would create a short term monopoly , such things exist in a world where second best is very often a distant second.Utilising inherent dynamic capabilities it was Apple who was playing catch up to the S3 and Note 2 but the iPhone 5 is outselling both products collectively, this could be because of the inertia derived from being introduced to a particular eco-system, in this way Apple has a first mover advantage in that it has a lot of loya l clients. Samsung primarily operates on Google’s Android operating system which is compatible with other Android users such as HTC and LG. At present Android has 68% of the market but the high margin clients have primarily tended to purchase Apple products.This is an issue that is only further compounded by time. In order to overcome this Samsung would have to be overly aggressive on a pricing strategy for a phone that would be significantly more advanced than its predecessors and its rivals. Samsung Electronics as a whole is a diversified technology company that should continue to grow unless it commit’s the cardinal sin of failing to innovate. It is a buy but it will have to alter its practices if it wants to surpass Apple’s profitability. S. Decker, 2012 Samsung Gets Review of Loss to Apple in U.S. Patent Case http://www. businessweek. com/news/2012-11-19/samsung-gets-review-of-loss-to-apple-in-u-dot-s-dot-patent-case Last Accessed 20/11/12 11. 25 http://www . investopedia. com/terms/d/defensiveacquisition. asp#axzz2ClJTl2OX Last Accessed 20/11/12 11. 30 Sam Grobart, 2012 Samsung's Four (Easy) Steps to Mobile Dominance http://www. businessweek. com/articles/2012-11-19/samsungs-four-easy-steps-to-mobile-dominance Last Accessed 20/11/12 11. 30 Samsung Annual Report 2011

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Research Methods CASE5 Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Methods CASE5 - Research Paper Example It is most commonly applied if the statistical result of the research follows a normal distribution. Additionally its usage is only applicable when the scaling term of the data is known. Incase this is unknown, it is advisable to replace the term with an estimate from the data thereby making t test computation possible (Yule,1897). Analysis of variance or ANOVA on the other hand is a statistical tool used to analyzed research finding that uses the process of partitioning the research variance into components attributable to various sources. This tool provides a statistical test used to determine whether or not the means of a number of groups are all equal. In doing this, this analysis tool generalizes t-test to more than two groups in a particular research. A qualitative research unlike a quantitative one bases its study on the analysis of qualitative phenomenon of the research subjects. Such studies are concerned with the subjective assessments of attitudes, opinions and behaviors of a research group. Regression analysis is the best tool used in analyzing the research findings of a qualitative research (Kutner, Nachtsheim &Neter, 2004). This tool clearly displays the relationship between two or more variables. If effectively used the tool clearly depicts the relationship between dependent and independent vari ables in a

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Social Aspects of Nation Building in Myanmar Essay

Social Aspects of Nation Building in Myanmar - Essay Example The weekly schedule will be carried out as follows:   According to Reid1 nation building and state, nationalism is of greater importance after the end of colonial rule. The Anti-Fascist People’s Freedom League (AFPFL) took power in 1948 as an alliance of several factions.2 It was formed with an aim of ending colonial rule (Hlaing 2008)   The introduction of socialism created a socialist economy in which capitalist enrichment and exploitation of the underprivileged was impossible.3 Socialism would, in this case, enhance national unity (Steinberg 1982)   Myanmar was founded as a secular state but Buddhism came to play an important role in nation building after 1948 (Smith 1965). Nu the first Prime minister encouraged the appeal of Buddhism as a unifying national ideology.4   In 1962, Ne Win staged a coup d’à ©tat and took over power. The military considered the takeover necessary since the Union Government â€Å"†¦represented the interests of feudal elements; exploiting landlords; national and foreign capitalists; bureaucrats†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 5 The military, therefore, took over governance with an intention to restore unity and equality among the people. Nash, Manning. â€Å"Buddhist Revitalisation in the Nation State: The Burmese Experience.† In Religion and Change in Contemporary Asia, edited by Robert F.Spencer.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

LEGAL ASPECTS OF NURSING Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

LEGAL ASPECTS OF NURSING - Essay Example Negligence on either side of the teams gives rise to severe consequences. These consequences are sometimes lethal and several patients have been reported dead on grounds of negligence. Other than filing law suits against the healthcare providers and healthcare facilities, patients and plaintiffs have in the past gone an extra step to sue jurisdictional governments for their failure to make available sufficient funds for up-to-date facilities (Martzo & Sherman 2010, 43). There are a number of federal regulations that health facilities need to observe in assuring client’s safety. The first regulation is the identification of laid down set of measurements of patients’ protection critical to the therapeutic error detection. Another parameter is classifying a set of performances concerning patient safety significant to medical inaccuracy prevention. The third guideline is identifying matters connected to implementation of mandatory reporting for diminution of errors (Martzo & Sherman 2010, 63). Establishing the utmost accommodating way to show information on the incidences of medical oversights to the civic is also a federal law. Healthcare facilities need to take levelheaded steps to ensure that medical workforce adhere to these guidelines by the established modus operandi that encourage patient safety. There are several principles of protecting patients’ safety that applied in Mr. Abraham’s case. First is the Principle of Autonomy. This is the agreement to respect a patient’s right to determine his own course of action. The agreement demands that medical practitioners respect independent decisions made by a patient. Patient Self Determination Act of 1990 passed by the United States Congress reserves a patient’s right to make decisions over what he wants to do with his life. The law, however, applies to a person in a stable state of mind and body (competent person). This principle does not apply to Mr. Abraham’s dema nd to leave the clinic since he was drunk at the time of his admission. His alcohol level was above the legal limit and this disqualified him from the principle of autonomy. The nurses reserved the right to decide on his behalf to stay within the facility for further treatment. The second principle applicable in the case study is the Principle of Beneficence. This states the nurses’ need to be compassionate, take positive action to help others and always desire to do well. This principle is considered the core principle of patient advocacy. In Abraham’s case, the nurses and medical personnel who attended to him had his best interest at heart. After attending to the patient, the nurses restrained Mr. Abraham onto his bed using Posey vest and soft wrist restraints so that he could not leave to cause more harm to himself in another fight. The nurses’ care was evident in their decision to move the patient to a room close to their station so that they could have a cl ose check on him. Further, they devised an hourly visit to ensure his best care. Nonmaleficence is the third principle that applies to the case of Mr. Abraham. This principle demands that medical practitioners may not inflict any harm on the patients as they take positive action to help (Martzo & Sherman 2010, 143). It is the central medical oath of medical ethics. In medical practitioner’s efforts to do utmost good to sustain the patient’

Monday, August 26, 2019

Shared Practice Evaluation Methods Part II Assignment

Shared Practice Evaluation Methods Part II - Assignment Example soda is concerned, I strongly believe that you could have chosen at least two of the alternatives instead of wanting to use all of them at one point or the other. This notwithstanding, it is a good thing that you recognized that there will be different stages of decision making and thus the need to diversify your decision making tools. Â  Hello John, it is great to read about how you identify instances where each of the decision making tools is relevant and the advantages and limitations that come with each of them. I have always believed that companies have failed in the implementation of decision making on investments because they refuse to weigh out their options very well. This is because in most cases, the companies overly rely on the advantage that a particular decision making tool would bring without looking at possible disadvantages. But as stressed by quote (year), it is very important that at every point in time, decision making will be made around whether the company’s priority is with time value of money or with the quantitative outcomes from investment. Regarding your current project, I believe it is a very good thing that you decided to select only two methods which are discounted payback and NPV. With such specification, you will be able to stay focused on the monitoring of your

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Research on Target Corporation Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

On Target Corporation - Research Paper Example Other than food items and household essentials, all merchandise categories found in physical stores are available for sale on the online shopping site. The credit card segment offers credit and debit cards under the â€Å"REDcards† brand to qualified customers. Currently there are three â€Å"REDcard† options: Target Visa and Target Card credit cards and Target Debit card (Target 10–K Part 1). Therefore, the company’s revenue model is on sales markups from retail sales and credit card fees and interest. In the retail segment, Target’s biggest competition is Wal-Mart and Costco. However, due to the broad category of merchandise that the company offers, all other forms of retail commerce are potentially competitors. Nevertheless, Target has been able to compete successfully by differentiating itself through a combination of price, merchandise assortment, convenience, customer service and marketing efforts. An example is how Target has deployed diffe rent store formats – CityTarget, SuperTarget, Target Greatland and Target stores – to capture different customer segments. ... Networking ensures that all Target stores are interlinked such that supply chain management is effectively managed to match consumer demand. This way the company can maximise on its mark-ups while it keeps its inventory costs at a minimum. On the other hand, CRM is vital for Target’s online business as it enables the company to perform customer analytics to improve targeting and customer segmentation. Order Fulfillment Process Analysis As an online shopping site, order fulfillment is a major process at In this study we selected the most straightforward way for making an online purchase at as a new customer. Order fulfillment starts immediately after online shopper has selected the item he/she wants to buy. This item is added onto a virtual shopping cart. The first input in order processing is the item to be procured. Once an item is selected Target’s system checks if the item is available within its inventory. The output is immediately delivered w ith the publishing of either â€Å"in stock† or â€Å"not available†. When you add an item on the shopping cart, opens a mini-window with three options: checkout, continue shopping and view and edit cart. The next input, strictly speaking, is the selection of any of these three options by the customer. The site always provides customer with the option of returning items to cart and continue shopping as one proceeds to checkout. The next set of inputs is customer shipping address, selecting form of payment and billing address. Repeat customers may opt to create an account with, in which case they would not have to keep entering any of these three sets of data each time they want to make a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Examining Alternatives to Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Examining Alternatives to Globalization - Essay Example In this regard, most of the anti-globalization proponents establish certain degree of advocacy with relevant reforms that are capable of acquiring remedies for the aforementioned concerns. They agree on allowing the developing countries to gain free access to the industrialized agricultural markets under protection and to other consumer products and technologies that have typically become less affordable due to enhanced global competitions. Hence, the opponents of globalization tend to express contention against tight restrictions imposed upon intellectual property rights by trade agreement or global agreement on investment (Ehrke). Instead of granting WTO further liberalization, globalization opponents approve of realizing potentials through incorporation of democratic measures and control to be set up with social and environmental standards (Ehrke). This way, though most politicians or economists take the opposite perspective, the terms of globalization may be adjusted accordingly to meet the demands and interests of the greater majority whereas provision for debt relief (Ehrke) may be foreseen to enable developing countries to catch up on reviving the economy which consequently finds its way to treat poverty and hunger since there would be sufficient allocation to sustain the latter. Open markets may also constitute more flexible options to trade and when coupled with legalization of a democratic approach, an increased level of freedom to expose new knowledge and possibilities of exploring avenues of industrial and economic growth for all nations involved. Consumers who are unable to afford certain commodities due to irrationally strict policies that prevent some appropriate balance in the flow and distribution of goods, both internationally and locally, are very susceptible to experience inadequacy of nutrition leading to poor health. This vivid reflection of poverty eventually gives encouragement to the idea of immigration especially by the citizens of the third world countries. Consumerism, immigration, and nutrition thus at a point, are naturally placed in a cause-and-effect relationship. The most compelling perspective in the critique is the concern manifested by the opponents of globalization with how reforms bear impact on consumerism primarily. With the liberty to have the secured markets available for the multitude of consumers around the world, such move entails higher probability of choosing from product alternatives with larger range of values or modifiable costs that could raise affordability levels for the general mass particularly the one within the marginalized sectors. One would essentially notice the humanitarian side of the advocacy in this respect while anti-globalization supporters also find a great deal of favor at intensifying attention on properly regulating international financial systems as applied through improved monitoring or supervision of banks, stock markets, as well as the system of taxation (Ehrke). Mo reover, because globalization varies directly with the generation of issues that burden the environment with risks or factors correspondingly affecting human health and the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Teachers expectations influence students Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Teachers expectations influence students - Essay Example r in his â€Å"Best Practices† presentation researchers Hoover and Kindsvetter state the outcomes of their research on student teacher relationship in the following words: Teachers, on the other hand, also have an intimate bond with their students. While instructing and mentoring them, they look up to their students to perform just as they have been taught and sometimes even more than that. Teachers often tend to establish expectations with their students. They usually take note of spending one to one time with each one of their students so that they develop their trust on them and get to know them better. Expectations, on a broader sense, may often prove to behave like a double edged sword. Whether the expectations have been made by the parents or the teachers of a child they have shown to have had both raising and lowering effects on the students’ outcomes. A positive outcome of expectations is often possible only when institutionally the expectations are raised at each stakeholder level which involves the management and the teachers as well. â€Å"... the literature on motivation and school performance in younger school children suggests that expectations shape the learning experience very powerfully. For example, classic studies in the psychology literature have found that merely stating an expectation results in enhanced performance, that higher expectations result in higher performance, and that persons with high expectations perform at a higher level than those with low expectations, even though their measured abilities are equal.† (Schilling, Schilling, 1999) "rise or fall to the level of expectation of their teachers.... When teachers believe in students, students believe in themselves. When those you respect think you can, YOU think you can" (as cited in, 2010). Let us now bring into consideration the specific example of high school students with respect to the teachers’ expectations associated with them and also

Cloning Brachyury from SW480 in pNEB193 plasmid Essay - 3

Cloning Brachyury from SW480 in pNEB193 plasmid - Essay Example igure 2: The total RNA was extracted from SW480 cells by use of Norgen’s Total RNA Purification Kit, the samples were then denatured in rapid Formalin – free RNA loading buffer which had Formalin – Free RNA dye. They were then incubated for 5 minutes at a temperature of 700C. Lane number one was filled with RNA ladder 5 ÃŽ ¼L. The lanes from number 2 to 20 contained 10 ÃŽ ¼L of each of the class samples. The image capture was then done using GelDocEZ system. 3-Table 1: The concentration and purity of the total extracted RNA from the SW480 cells for the sample H was is shown in table 1. The resulting concentration of RNA was 82.88 ng/ul. An RQI of 7.3 indicated that the RNA quality was accepted. The ratio (28S/18S) was 0.93 though the recommended ratio is 2 The plasmid preparation experiment was undertaken before the start of the RNA extraction. The purpose of this experiment was to purify enough linearized phosphatise treated pNEB183 plasmid to be utilised in the ligation reaction. This purification was attained through several steps that started with the purification of the inoculated plasmid from E.coli culture in LB/ampilicin broth. Using Qubit analysis, the concentration of the purified plasmid was calculated to be 5.1 ul. The EcoR1 enzyme was then utilised to digest the circular plasmid into a linear plasmid which was then treated using alkaline phosphatise enzyme to remove the 5’ phosphate group and hinder self – ligation. The sample was then loaded on 0.8% agarose gel so as to visualize and purify the linearized plasmid from the gel by use of purification method as shown in figure 5: In figure 5, two bands were clearly seen in the second lane. The first band was an uncut plasmid. The second band was a linear plasmid. Adequate preparation took place as the linear plasmid could migrate longer on the gel. The second band was bright and shiny. It was 2797 bps in length. It also contained ...ul/mg concentration of plasmid. Using x tracta Gel Extraction

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Purani Jeans Aur Guitar Essay Example for Free

Purani Jeans Aur Guitar Essay â€Å"Purani Jeans aur guitar†¦Ã¢â‚¬  a jingle which most of the college going students might never forget. Somewhere in the song a stanza comes which states – â€Å"maangne paise udhaar†. This is a very common incidence happening in college life and the best part is that one gets to have as many resources as she/he requires. But the point is do we actually NEED to ask for the â€Å"Udhaar†? Lot many instances have been found wherein because of this â€Å" udhaar† lot many feuds(Big or Small) has happened between best of the friends. So do we actually want to have â€Å"udhaar† or get rid of this and still continue to enjoy the beautiful and happening ‘College Life’? (This may not seem 100% doable but â€Å"try maarne mein kya jaata hai!!†) So what is the Solution? Very simple – Put the right money in the right pocket in the right quantity in the right time, that’s it! This can be achieved by using the world famous – â€Å"Art of Investment† Investment has its own Oxford Dictionary meaning – ‘the action or process of investing money for profit’. The question is how do we practice this art of investment and make the action work for us. In simple terms – how do we invest, where do we invest and when do we invest? Let’s look out for answers to these questions: a) Where do we Invest? Answer Avenues for investments have seen a drastic change from yester years till date. Now we have simple formula – â€Å"zarurat jaisi, salaah waisi†. You name your objective of investment and we have a solution available as per your requirements. One may go ahead and invest in a plethora of avenues as per requirement viz. i) Traditional Debt instruments – Bank FDs, Post Office Schemes etc. ii) Tradable Debt instruments – Bonds Debentures iii) Direct Equities iv) Mutual Funds v) Gold vi) Real estate etc. As per one’s capability, knowledge, resources, risk time may choose one or more avenues of investments among these. Mutual Funds provide a one-stop solution in all categories. b) How to Invest? Answer – Investment mechanism and procedures have also evolved with time. Now one may invest in most of the avenues in not only a physical mode – filling of application, giving cheque etc. but can also invest electronically viz. using Mobile phone, SMS, online, call centre etc. All that is required is to comply certain regulatory requirements and that’s it. You have enough invest lump sum; you do not have enough invest systematically in small chunks. c) When do we Invest? Answer – Most difficult but again very simple too. A great learner has said – â€Å"You have two options – either time the market or spend time in the market. It is always easier and better to spend time in the market rather than timing the market!!† So, it is always advisable that one invests regularly and systematically rather than trying to capture the highs and the lows. Whenever you think of investment don’t wait but invest – lot many avenues are already available for various needs and timing. Also it has proven record that invest early always yield s better results. â€Å"Papa kehte hain bada naam karega, beta hamara aisa kaam karega† Starting investments at the early ages viz. when in college when you start receiving pocket money definitely adds up a bigger amount to your future life and helps to achieve ones goals and aspirations. Your parents would also feel PROUD.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The International Accounting Standards Board Structure

The International Accounting Standards Board Structure There is overwhelming demand for high quality accounting standards that are internationally accepted. It is of the utmost importance that the IASB delivers these as quickly as possible. Required: a) Outline the current structure of the IASB, highlighting the major influences and controls on it. (30%) b) Explain the main advantages of high quality, internationally accepted accounting standards and the main challenges the IASB faces in developing them. (50%) c) Comment on the quotation above and give a conclusion on its validity. (20%) ANSWER a) The International Accounting Standards Board (hereafter â€Å"IASB†)[1] replaced the International Accounting Standards Committee on April 1 2001. This represented the culmination of a restructuring project based on the recommendations of the report Recommendations on Shaping IASC for the Future.[2] The IASB, which is based in London, is constituted by fourteen board members drawn from nine different countries, of whom twelve are full-time and 3 are part-time. The composition of the membership is as follows: a minimum of five former auditors, three former users of accounts, three former preparers of accounts, and one academic. The remaining two can be drawn from any of these backgrounds or from a different background. The IASB is entrusted with the responsibility to establish International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and its goal is to create conformity and compatibility around the world.[3] Its mission statement is to provide â€Å"high quality, understandable and enforceable global accounting standards†[4]. This is a substantial task, given that the accounting principles generally accepted in each individual country can in practice differ significantly between national jurisdictions. The IASB is organised on the following lines. Its parental body, the IASC Foundation is an independent entity having two main arms, namely, the Trustees and the IASB, and in addition it incorporates the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee and a Standards Advisory Council. The 22 Foundation Trustees of the IASC are empowered to appoint members to the IASB, to exercise general oversight and administrative and managerial supervision, and to generate the funds needed to finance the operation. However it should be stressed that the IASB has sole and exclusive responsibility for establishing accounting standards. The focus of the IASB is on the pursuit of a rolling work plan. The work plan is determined and updated at regular IASB meetings and reflects the objectives and broad timetable of the Memorandum of Understanding[5] between the IASB and the US Financial Accounting Standards Board (hereafter â€Å"FASB†) which lays down the so-called Roadmap for Convergence between IFRSs and US GAAP between 2006 and 2008.[6] The Memorandum of Understanding establishes goals that the IASB and FASB have agreed to achieve so as to facilitate the convergence of accounting standard-setting.[7] The long-term strategic priority of both the IASB and FASB remains the establishment of a common set of high quality global standards. b) The overarching goal of the IASB is the creation and maintenance of a set of understandable, enforceable and effective accounting standards for consistent application around the world. The object of this exercise is to attempt to guarantee both equivalence and transparency in certain universal financial statements compiled in different national jurisdictions across the globe by engineering a commensurate and smooth convergence of previously diverse national standards of accounting reporting..[8] It is manifest that the achievement of such an end would facilitate international business and investment, reduce commercial risk and increase transparency, and improve the general quality of financial reporting around the world. The IASB has resolved that if consistently reliable and effective financial reporting infrastructure is to be established it must both embody and reflect four essential characteristics:[9] 1. It is deemed essential that settled accounting standards are consistent, comprehensive and founded on a transparent set of general principles which strive to guarantee that financial reports fairly and accurately reflect all background and underlying financial realities. 2. Functional mechanisms must be put in place to ensure the adoption of efficient and effective corporate governance practices, and that in turn these should incorporate a condition for strict systems of internal control which serve to apply common accounting standards. 3. Auditing practices must be established in which the diverse users and prepares of accounts in the outside world can invest confidence and trust, and which categorically establish that undertakings produce reports which represent a true and fair view of their economic performance and overall financial state. 4. It is necessary to implement a cogent surveillance and enforcement regime which ensures that the fundamental rules and principles as determined by the universally prevailing auditing and accounting standards are both respected and applied.. The Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements[10] was published by the IASB’s predecessor, the International Accounting Standards Committee in 1989. Popularly known as the Conceptual Framework, this document lays down the essential concepts to be adhered to in the production of financial statements for external appraisal and usage. The Framework deals with such matters as: qualitative characteristics of financial information; fundamental assumptions; objectives of financial statements; elements of financial statements; core components of financial statements; measurement of the items of financial statements; capital maintenance issues.[11] That said, it is worth emphasising that the Conceptual Framework is not accorded the full status of an accounting standard. The same can be said of the Statement of Principles of the UK Accounting Standards Board. This obviously constitutes a practical challenge because it renders application less certain and can result in a dilution of the principles it endeavours to entrench. Despite this difficulty, the Framework guides the current work of the IASB in its development of contemplated International Financial Reporting Standards and it influences the IASB’s rolling review of established International Accounting Standards.. It is submitted that this modus operandi should encourage the harmonisation of accounting standards, and hone those procedures and regulations relevant to the presentation and substance of financial statements by setting down an underlying conceptual rationale for reducing the number of different accounting treatments allowed under international standards. The IASB faces a huge challenge in catering for the all the different classes of users of financial statements, who may seek to use those financial statements for a wide number of purposes. Given that users may include classes as diverse as, suppliers, lenders, trade creditors, investors (current and potential), employees, customers (current and potential), the general public and Government agencies, it is clear that the IASB has to take a vast array of different and sometimes competing interests into account in determining the appropriate rules of accounting.[12] c) It is very hard to argue with the quote under review, because there is manifestly considerable demand among, in particular accounts users, who rely upon accounts to guide a multiplicity of business and investment decisions, for high quality accounting standards that are both internationally accepted and respected and universally applied. Given that unarguable truth the second part of the quote is also clearly well founded. Of course it would be desirable to deliver improvements to accounting standards as soon as possible. This commentator can conceive of no reason to delay the introduction of what would represent a significant improvement in conditions of finance and trade, in particular given the increasing globalisation of business and commerce and the relative growth in the number of international transactions as opposed to national transactions with each passing year. In simple words, business is becoming ever more global and accounting standards must consolidate to reflect t hat new environment and practice. The demand and determination to achieve high quality and internationally accepted accounting standards is perhaps best evidenced by the focused cooperation between accounting standard setting bodies witnessed in recent years. In 2004 the IASB started work on a project in partnership with the US FASB which is aimed at the development of a so-called common conceptual framework, in the hope of that such would facilitate the convergence and refinement of the existing frameworks of both accounting standards Boards.[13] Demand for tighter and more consistent accounting standards has also been fuelled by analysis of the high profile corporate collapses of companies like Enron and WorldCom in recent years.[14] Accountants were widely criticised for auditing errors in these cases, which have already proved the catalysts for a raft of new corporate governance regulations.. These huge corporate collapses and others of their ilk have not only given rise to increased demand for accounting standard improvement and consolidation but also underline the very real need for concerted action in this field. In sum, it is submitted that the quote under review is well founded in both its primary assertions.. THE END WORD COUNT: 1574 (excluding footnotes) BIBLIOGRAPHY Recommendations on Shaping IASC for the Future: A Report of the International Accounting Standards Committee’s Strategy Working Party, Recommendations to the IASC Board, 30 November 1999: Mirza and Epstein, IFRS: Interpretation and Application of International Accounting Standards, (2006) Wiley Horngren, â€Å"Uses and Limitations of a Conceptual Framework,† Journal of Accountancy, April 1981 Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements, Alfredson et al., Applying International Accounting Standards, (2005) Wiley. Lewis and Pendrill, Advanced Financial Accounting, (2004) Prentice Hall International Accounting Standards Board website: Inman, UK accounting firms enjoy  £1bn bonanza in wake of Enron, The Guardian, 28 June 2006. Memorandum of Understanding between the FASB and the IASB 27 February 2006: The IASB Conceptual Framework An Introduction, Dr Philip Dunn, AccountingWeb, 9 May 2005: International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) (1998); â€Å"Shaping IASC for the Future†, Discussion Paper, December, 1998 1 Footnotes [1] The non-profit organisation IASC Foundation, incorporated in March 2001 in Delaware, US is the parental body of the IASB. [2] Recommendations on Shaping IASC for the Future: A Report of the International Accounting Standards Committee’s Strategy Working Party, Recommendations to the IASC Board, 30 November 1999: And see: International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) (1998); â€Å"Shaping IASC for the Future†, Discussion Paper, December, 1998. [3] For an insightful overview see: Alfredson et al., Applying International Accounting Standards, (2005) Wiley. [4] See: [5] Memorandum of Understanding between the FASB and the IASB 27 February 2006: [6] See: [7] This is an integral part of the process towards removal of the duty owed by foreign registrants with the SEC to converge their financial statements to the US GAAP model. [8] See for general background and insightful comment: Lewis, R. and Pendrill, D. 2004 Advanced Financial Accounting 7th edition. [9] Statement of Sir David Tweedie, Chairman of the IASB, Before the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs of the United States Senate, Washington DC, 9 September 2004: [10] See: Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements, [11] The IASB Conceptual Framework An Introduction, Dr Philip Dunn, AccountingWeb, 9 May 2005: [12] Horngren, Charles T., â€Å"Uses and Limitations of a Conceptual Framework,† Journal of Accountancy, April 1981, p. 90. [13] See: [14] Inman, UK accounting firms enjoy  £1bn bonanza in wake of Enron, The Guardian, 28 June 2006.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Insulin and Predicting Clinical Outcome

Insulin and Predicting Clinical Outcome A. To identify predicting clinical outcome: Predicting clinical outcome in patients with incessant hepatitis C is testing. We utilized the hepatitis C long-term treatment against cirrhosis trial database to create two models, utilizing pattern estimations of routinely accessible research facility tests together with changes in these qualities amid follow-up to foresee clinical decompensation and liver-related demise transplant in patients with cutting edge hepatitis C. b. Identify the inhaled insulin: Inhaled insulin is a type of insulin that can be inhaled into the lungs through utilization of an exceptional inhaler. Breathed in insulin may in some cases be utilized to treat diabetes mellitus. Insulin treatment has advanced since its initiation. At first, we saw changes in its immaculateness, and new details to expand activity time and decline recurrence of infusions. With time and a further comprehension of the need to supplant insulin in a way that imitated ordinary physiology, more current insulins were composed that could achieve this objective all the more viable (Moshe Phillip, 2012). Simultaneously, strategies for insulin conveyance have likewise enhanced, including dispensable syringes, insulin pens, and insulin pumps, all of which have made insulin organization more sensible and more agreeable. c. To identify long-term insulin: Long-acting insulins dont top like short-acting insulins they can control glucose for a whole day. This is like the activity of insulin ordinarily delivered by your pancreas to help control glucose levels between dinners. Long-acting insulins are likewise called basal or foundation insulins. They continue working out of sight to monitor your glucose all through your day by day schedule. d. To identify Diabetes type 1: The more extreme type of diabetes is sort 1, or insulin-subordinate diabetes. Its occasionally called adolescent diabetes, since Type 1 diabetes more often than not creates in kids and young people, however, it can create at any age (Richard I. G. Holt, 2011). With type 1 diabetes, the bodys resistant framework assaults some portion of its pancreas. Researchers dont know why. In any case, the invulnerable framework erroneously observes the insulin-delivering cells in the pancreas as outside and annihilates them. This assault is known as immune system sickness. Conceptual model: Conceptual models in wellbeing training research have been characterized as outlines of proposed causal linkages among an arrangement of ideas accepted to be identified with a specific general medical issue. The calculated models appear the little piece of the causal web chose for study. They frequently are educated by more than one hypothesis, and additionally by exact discoveries. A reasonable model gives a visual picture that speaks to the exploration address which is to be researched. The best models pass on complex data in a way that is miserly as well as grants a speedy handle of confounded connections (Kane, 2006). For instance, a theoretical model can be utilized to portray the different ideas that are important in a specific infection or condition and the speculated interfaces between the ideas, or to give a structure from which potential focuses for treatment can be chosen. A theoretical model can manage our decision of what to quantify and how to gauge it and give a settin g to translating the discoveries. In 1995 Wilson and Cleary distributed a calculated model for wellbeing related personal satisfaction which coordinated both organic and mental parts of wellbeing results. They proposed five unique levels in their model, to be specific physiological elements, side effect status, utilitarian wellbeing, general wellbeing recognitions and general personal satisfaction. They characterized their calculated model as a scientific categorization of patient results as indicated by the fundamental wellbeing ideas they speak to and proposes particular causal connections between various wellbeing ideas. The Wilson-Cleary Conceptual Model of HRQoL is caught in figure 1. As the per user moves from left to right of the model, the nature of the ideas shifts from the cell toward the individual, and afterward to the communication of the person as an individual from society. A conceptual model can be utilized to investigate the patient point of view of a sickness and can help recognize the viewpoints that should be tended. Such theoretical models could be utilized to show the significance and seriousness of patient-focused results for measuring treatment benefits in a particular infection or condition. They would be particularly valuable for exchanges with administrative organizations about treatment advantage claims given patient, detailed results. Conceptual model for Clinical Outcomes and Response to combination of rapid-acting inhaled insulin with long-acting injectable insulin in patients with diabetes type 1.   Ã‚   Key dependent and independent variables: Variable is a term as often as possible utilized as a part of research activities. It is applicable to characterize and recognize the factors while outlining quantitative research ventures. A variable induces fervor in any explore than constants. It is in this way basic for amateurs in research to have lucidity about this term and the related ideas. Independent variable: The independent variable is the forunner while the destitute variable is the resulting. In case the self-governing variable is a dynamic variable then we control the estimations of the variable to study its impact on another variable. In the above case, we change pressure level to check whether responsiveness to torment diminishes medication is updated. Uneasiness level is the self-sufficient element variable. Dependent variable: The dependent changeable is the variable that is partial through the free factor. Receptiveness to anguish lessening drug is the district changeable in the beyond illustration. The area changeable is dependent on the autonomous variable. The operational definition of the key variable: An operational definition, when associated with data social occasion, is an unmistakable, compact point by point significance of a measure. The prerequisite for operational definitions is significant when assembling an extensive variety of data. It is particularly basic when a decision is being made about whether something is correct or off course, or when a visual check is being made where there is space for perplexity (Tracey D. Matthews, 2011). Clearly, the operational meaning of the reliant variable is an essential stride in the outline of the review. Some other wellbeing related applied factors that have numerous operational definitions: insight, wellness, wellbeing, personal satisfaction. A few polls have been produced to quantify these theoretical factors. In an exploration article, the operational definition is typically found in the strategies section. Operational definition in the variable table it is used in health research. Analyze the threats for research: In medical studies, viability thinks about in test settings are directed to address the issue of inward legitimacy while adequacy ponders in naturalistic settings are utilized to look at the outer legitimacy of the claim. Normally patients in experimentation are exceptionally chosen though patients in this present reality are most certainly not. For instance, subjects in clinical trials, for the most part, have quite recently the sickness under review. Patients who have various wellbeing conditions are rejected from the review because those uncontrolled factors could jumble the research result. In the research of Predicting Clinical Outcomes and Response to a combination of rapid-acting inhaled insulin with long-acting injectable insulin in patients with diabetes type 1 two types of threats are produced one is internal threats, and other is external threats. Internal legitimacy implies especially to whether an exploratory treatment/condition has any impact on the outcome or not, and whether there is satisfactory confirmation to substantiate the claim. Outer legitimacy insinuates the generalizability of the treatment/condition comes about across over various settings (STEVEN TAYLOR, 2007). Internal legitimacy is how much changes in a dependent variable can be attributed to changes in a self-sufficient variable. In this manner, inward legitimacy involves degree instead of one of nearness or nonappearance. The scientists trust in his or her discoveries is proportionate to the quality of inward legitimacy of the examination plan . Genuine tests are outlines that have solid inward legitimacy. That is individuals are randomized to test conditions, and distinctive means are used to ensure that changes in the Reliant variable can be credited to the trial control of the self-sufficient variable. Eight dangers to inward legitimacy have been descri bed:history, development, test, instrumentation, relapse, determination, exploratory mortality, and a cooperation of dangers. History: History turns into hazard when dissimilar basics external to the subject happen by uprightness of the series of time. Development: The advancement hazard can work when natural or mental changes occur inside subjects, and these movements may record to some degree or all together for effects saw in the survey. For example, a point by point decreasing in emergency room visits in a whole deal examination of pediatric patients with asthma may be a direct result of surpassing youth asthma rather than any treatment regimen constrained. Testing: The testing danger may happen when changes in test scores happen not therefore of the intervention yet rather in light of reiterated testing. This is of particular concern when examiners coordinate vague pretests and posttests. Regression: The regression hazard can occur when the outrageous score has selected subject since extraordinary scores inside a conveyance tend toward sketch earlier to the mean in rehash test. Differential Selection: The assurance hazard is of most extraordinary concern when subjects cant be subjectively doled out to treatment groups, particularly if social events are unequal inapplicable elements before treatment intervention. Diffusion or Imitation of Treatments: When members in the diverse exploratory conditions can speak with each other, to such an extent that members in one condition find out about what occurs in the other condition. This can undermine the contrasts between the exploratory controls in each condition. Example. In an investigation of the impacts of weight on snake fears, wind frightful undergrad brain research understudies were haphazardly relegated to one of two groups. Testing: The reactive impacts of testing where the very demonstration of appraisal impacts the variable under scrutiny. A few measures are exceedingly receptive, while different measures are inert. Likewise, rehashed testing can increment recognition with the test, which may predisposition scores. This risk can be managed in different courses, for example, by choosing inert measures or, on the other hand by counting a control aggregate. Selection: When the effects on the dependent variable emerge from contrasts in the sorts of individuals in the test bunches. Choice impacts are unavoidable in semi-exploratory outlines. These are among the most broadly utilized plans in clinical brain science, in which an objective gathering is thought about with at least one control bunches. Endeavors are made to coordinate the bunches on foundation factors, and after that, they are looked at on the factors of intrigue. External validity needs to do with the generalizability of the examination discoveries; to what degree can the discoveries of analysis or quasiexperimental be summed up to and crosswise over different populaces, settings, and ages? In the accompanying segments, we look at, in further detail, the significant sorts of dangers to outside legitimacy, the connection amongst inside and outer legitimacy, and the circumstances in which we ought to be worried about dangers to outer legitimacy. Dangers to outer legitimacy are assessed by the trial of the degree to which one can sum up crosswise over different sorts of individuals, settings, whats more, times and are, fundamentally, the trial of factual cooperations. Analysis plan of the research project: An analysis plan helps you thoroughly consider the information you will gather, what you will utilize it for, and how you will examine it. Making an investigation plan is a vital approach to guarantee that you gather every one of the information you require and that you utilize every one of the information you gather. Investigation arranging can be a precious speculation of time. It can help you select the most suitable research techniques and measurable instruments. It will guarantee that the way you gather your information and structure your database will help you get a solid analytic result. In this research paper, many people include in the research project. In this research project, different types of diseases include such as diabetes, insulin, and long term insulin and so on. In this paper, many people are injected with diabetes, and some individuals are injected with insulin. We find that diabetes is two types type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. We find the data of patients which is injected to this problem. Data collection is a very important step for this research paper. Firstly we collect the data and after that take steps to control it. In this research for diseases use the conceptual model. Conceptual models in wellbeing training research have been characterized as outlines of proposed causal linkages among an arrangement of ideas accepted to be identified with a specific general medical issue. The calculated models appear the little piece of the causal web chose for study. The research project includes the operational definition for prevention the diseases. It connected to information gathering, is an unmistakable, succinct point by point meaning of a measure. The requirement for operational definitions is major when gathering a wide range of information. This is the research project paper for Predicting Clinical Outcomes and Response to a combination of rapid-acting inhaled insulin with long-acting injectable insulin in patients with diabetes type 1. References Kane, R. L. (Ed.). (2006). Understanding Health Care Outcomes Research. Jones Bartlett Learning. Moshe Phillip, T. B. (2012). ATTD 2011 Year Book: Advanced Technologies and Treatments for Diabetes. John Wiley Sons. Richard I. G. Holt, C. C. (Ed.). (2011). Textbook of Diabetes. John Wiley Sons. STEVEN TAYLOR, G. J. (2007). INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL VALIDITY IN CLINICAL RESEARCH. 12. Tracey D. Matthews, K. T. (2011). Designing and Conducting Research in Health and Human Performance. John Wiley Sons.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Why Educate? :: Essays Papers

Why Educate? As I ponder what my educational philosophy is, and what I hope it will become, I find it necessary to consider why we educate our children in the first place, and why we finance countless public school systems with local tax dollars and federal funds only to hear over and over that schools are failing, our teachers are inadequate, and our students unprepared for life. The majority of high school graduates can read. They can perform basic arithmetic. They know some literature, history, and civics. They are more computer literate than ever before, yet the U.S. Department of Education's National Commission on Excellence in Education concludes in â€Å"A Nation at Risk:† If an unfriendly power had attempted to impose on America the mediocre educational performance that exists today, we might well have viewed it as an act of war. As it stands, we have allowed this to happen to ourselves. We have even squandered the gains in achievement made in the wake of the Sputnik challenge. Moreover, we have dismantled essential support systems which helped make those gains possible. We have, in effect, been committing an act of unthinking, unilateral educational disarmament" (NCREL 2002). This â€Å"educational disarmament† is really a failure to produce students that are truly competitive in the world marketplace, a failure to make the same technological advances as other industrialized nations. Joel Spring, in The American School (1997), asserts that beginning with the founding of the common school in the nineteenth century, education has been seen as a way of â€Å"ending poverty, providing equality of opportunity, [and] an increasing national wealth† (6). It is the â€Å"increasing national wealth† that students are tested on now, and found lacking. According to Sebastian de Assis, author of Teachers of the World, Unite! (2000), it was during the Industrial Revolution that â€Å"mathematics, sciences, technical and vocational education became pivotal to the sustenance of the new economic order† in the United States (p. 24). Students have become just another part of the great machinery that is America. Either they contribute and m ake the country, and themselves, richer, or they are failures, who have, in turn, been failed by an educational system that did not teach them how to grow rich or help the nation grow rich. Like de Assis (2000), I find the commoditization of students to be more than a little disturbing.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hinduism And Buddhism :: Religion Religious Essays

Hinduism and Buddhism Introduction-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hinduism and Buddhism are two of the five major religions in our world today. They are widely practiced, and have survived for centuries. Both have similarities and differences, as do all forms of religion. Hopefully, in this paper I will show you the basic structure of each religion. I would also like to show how they compare and contrast. Hinduism: Foundation   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  No one is completely sure of where Hinduism was started and by whom. Their oldest written documents, the Vedas, were written down in 1000 B.C. but they had existed orally long before. The Vedas are where Hinduism originated. Today, Hinduism is the world's third largest religion. Many changes have come upon Hinduism since they practiced it first. Hinduism includes many different sects, or denominations, and beliefs that have arisen. Though, there are many things in common with all of the Hindu sects. Their basic beliefs are what ties them together. Basic Beliefs-   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The religion of Hinduism teaches us that each living body, including animals, is filled with an eternal soul. Hindus say that the individual soul was a part of the creator spirit, Brahma. It is each soul's job and wish eventually to return to Brahma. It is not possible though because by a soul's sins, and impurities from the world, they are no longer pure and holy to return. Instead, a soul must become pure before returning to Brahma, who is absolutely pure.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The process of becoming pure is so hard that no soul can become pure in only one lifetime. The soul is forced to live life after life until it is pure enough to return to Brahma. The cycles of rebirths are called samsara, or the Wheel of Life, by the Hindus. When a soul is finally cleansed enough to break free of samsara it is called moksha. The soul returns to Brahma for an eternity of contentment and ecstasy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There is no one incorporating creed in Hinduism. A follower may choose any god as their personal god, or may worship several of them. Though to be a Hindu there are certain things that a follower must believe in and live by. Their main beliefs are:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1. A belief in karma, the result of one's good and bad deeds in a lifetime.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2. A belief in dharma, Hindu traditions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3. A belief in the three main gods: Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4. A belief in reincarnation after death.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  5. Honor for the sacred Vedas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  6. A belief that, if lived a religious life, the Wheel of Life can end and achieve moksha.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  7. An honor for an ascetic religious life, to be an orthodox Hindu.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Davy Crockett Essay

Davy did many thing through out his childhood all the way up to his adulthood. Davy was born in Tennessee on August 17, 1786 . John crockett (davy’s father) sent Davy to work for a man who was taking a herd of cattle to Virginia at age 12. Davy helped the man drive cattle for over 200 miles from Tennessee to Virginia. The trip was a little over 2 weeks, and then Davy finely returned home. Soon after, the man Wanted Davy to keep working for him. Davy was homesick but he still said yes. About one month later Davy could not stand being away from his family. So he ran away from the mans house and headed home. At age 13 Davy set out on his own, and learned to become one of the worlds greatest/and craftiest backwoodsman around. Legend says that Davy was friends with a bear and could get a raccoon to come down from a tree by just grinning at it . At age 16 Davy moved back to Tennessee with his family. In 1811 Davy’s family moved to Tennessee. They made there home near what is now the border of Alabama. By 1813 the white men had made the native Americans very made. The native Americans were called the creeks. The reason for the creeks being made is because the white men took there land. The white men thought the creeks were going to attack so they attacked first. the creeks fought back against the white men. This started a war. Davy helped the creeks fight against the white men. When Davy got back from the creek war, Polly gave birth to a daughter. Polly died in the summer of 1815. In 1816 Davy married Elizabeth Patton to care for his two children, let alone her own three children. In 1816 Davy almost died of malaria, and in 1818 Davy becomes a â€Å"court referee† in Lawrence country, Tennessee. In 1821 David Crockett was elected to the state legislature at age 35. In 1827 David Crockett was elected to the House of Representatives in Congress. David Crockett served in congress from 1827-1831, and then he served in Congress again from 1833- 1835. when he was in Congress he often made speeches and told many of his adventures. Books came out filled with information and stories about Davy’s life. They even made a lay about Davy called the lion of the west in 1831. David Crockett and a congressman Thomas Chilton wrote a book about Davy’s life. Davy was a legend while he was still living, and still is a legend to this very day. in 1835 David Crockett moved to Texas. Texas was not a state when Davy moved there. Davy was now 49 years old and he wanted to explore the frontier . Davy joined the Texas army. David fought in the Texas revolution in 183 6. the Texas Revolution was over a Mexican government that ruled Texas. The people who lived in Texas wanted to be free from the Mexicans.

Nine Major Regulatory Bodies Essay

1. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The IRS was established in 1913. Its purpose is to administer and enforce the internal revenue laws. Its stated mission is to provide America’s taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all. (Internal Revenue Service, 2008) 2. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 created the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to regulate the securities market. â€Å"The mission of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation†(U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2008) 3. Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF). The Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF) is a private sector organization that formed in 1972 to create standards for financial accounting. Its mission is to â€Å"establish financial accounting and reporting standards through an independent and open process, resulting in financial reports that provide decision useful information† (Financial Accounting Foundation, 2008) 4. Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The (FAF) formed the (FASB) in 1973 to set up standards for nongovernmental accounting and reporting. The mission of (FASB) is â€Å"to establish and improve standards of financial accounting and reporting for the guidance and education of the public, including issuers, auditors, and users of financial information (Financial Accounting Standards Board, 2008) 5. Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The Governmental Accounting Standards Board was organized in 1984 by FAF to generate GAAP for state and local governments. The mission of the GASB is to establish and improve standards of state and local government accounting and financial reporting that will result in useful information for users of financial reports and guide and educate the, including issuers, auditors, and users of those financial reports. (Governmental Accounting Standards Board, 2008) 6. Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. The (FASAB) was established in 1990 by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, and the Comptroller General to produce GAAP for the federal government. The mission of the FASAB is to promulgate federal accounting standards after considering the financial and budgetary information, needs of citizens, congressional oversight groups, executive agencies, and the needs of other users of federal financial information. (Federal Accounting Standards Accounting Standards Advisory Board, 2008) 7. International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) Since its inception in 2001 the (IASB) has created global GAAP and standards. The mission of the (IASB) â€Å"is to develop, in the public interest a single set of high quality, understandable and international financial reporting standards (IFRS’s) for general purpose financial statements† (International Accounting Standards Board, 2008) 8. Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) established the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board to issue auditing standards for public auditing firms. The mission of the PCAOB is to oversee the auditors of public companies in order to protect the interests of investors and further the public interest in the preparation of informative, fair, and independent audit reports (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, 2008) 9. American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants was born in 1887. The mission of the (AICP) â€Å"is to provide members with the resources, information, and leadership that enable them to provide valuable services in the highest professional manner to benefit the public as well as employers and clients† (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 2008) References American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. (2008). AICPA Mission. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. (n.d.). Welcome to the Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Financial Accounting Foundation. (n.d.). FAF Strategic Plan. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Financial Accounting Standards Board. (n.d.). Facts About FASB. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Governmental Accounting Standards Board. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Internal Revenue Service. (n.d.). The Agency, its Mission and Statutory Authority. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from,,id=98141,00.html International Accounting Standards Board. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. (2008). Our Mission. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2008, November 7). The Investor’s Advocate: How the SEC Protects Investors, Maintains Market Integrity, and Facilitates Capital Formation. Retrieved November 20, 2008, from

Friday, August 16, 2019

Critical Thinking Model Example

1. I believe a college education is the most important goal a young person should pursue. 2. From my point of view the concept of a ‘college’ is an accredited institution that offers a liberal arts program in addition to specific subject areas. Its importance should be in the top 3 areas of a young person’s life. 3. An example would be the small college I attended where I was introduced to a broad liberal education. 4. I have always held this view.My parents influenced me and then I was able to ‘test’ this view out when I chose my college and the degrees I earned. I always knew you could major in a lot of areas without the need to be that specific. 5. I am assuming that most people have the opportunity to experience college and can afford it. They have both the resources and the will to succeed in college. 6. A liberal education introduces the student to a vast body of knowledge, encourages them to become a free thinker and provides a foundation from which they can build upon and refer back to.Studies suggest that top employers value good communication skills, problem solving skills and the ability to think independently. A liberal education provides this skill. 7. Another POV is that people excel in lots of different areas and can pursue a trade college or skill and begin making money right after high school. 8. Even though many people do not have the ability or resources to go to college and begin working, I conclude if resources and talents allow, a liberal education is an invaluable pursuit in a young person’s life. . The consequences of believing in a liberal education are that colleges need to continue to receive the proper funding to keep liberal arts programs running and alive. They also need to make sure that enough aid is awarded to those students that cannot afford to attend. And finally, family and work need to take a backseat in order to fulfill the requirements of college life.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Influential and Sociological Aspects of Gangs Essay

Abstract The purpose of this research is to identify the sociological aspects and means in which individuals may use in order to affiliate themselves within a gang and their practices. The following research uses statistics and information given by police departments and the Department of Justice. I have searched for reasoning behind an individual’s decision to join a gang from a sociological perspective. It begins by defining a gang and what leads young individuals to a lifestyle and choice of joining these gangs. Sociological approaches are made in order to accompany these people’s decisions and to make sense of their judgment. Taking this information and research into consideration may direct future research on the aspects and decisions of social citizens in which influence them to join and be a part of a street gang. What is a Gang? In both, everyday life and the sociological world, the term â€Å"gang† is defined in many different ways; however, every altered definition is fairly similar or related to one another. According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (2011), a gang is defined as â€Å"a group of persons working to unlawful or antisocial ends; especially: a band of antisocial adolescents.† The U.S. Department of Justice’s survey analysts Egley and Major (2004), though, define a gang as a group of three or more individuals who involve themselves in criminal activity and identify one another with a shared and mutual name, sign, or symbol. On a governmental point of view, several states have passed their own gang-related legislation; this is including each state’s different definition of a street gang. The presence of these street gangs brings several anti-gang activities into play for every community, for example, curfews and home raids. According to Robert Walker (2011), writer for Gangs Or Us, gang members are those who conform to one or more of the visible gang traits. These traits include a shared group name, common symbols, tattoos, or graffiti, style of dress, geographic location or association in a group form on a consistent basis. It is easy to see that gangs and their members highly appreciate their symbols and strongly practice symbolic interactionism. Members of the National Alliance of Gang Investigators Associations (NAIGIA) believe that there is no untouched region by gangs in the United States. They also consider gangs to have a high effect on society at many levels; this increases citizens fear for safety, violence, and eventually increased cost to the economy ( NAIGIA 2005). Sociological Approaches There are up-to-date, contemporary explanations for the behaviors humans choose to act upon in which could be clarified as either a result of the individual’s choice or their overall response to environmental, or any other, forces. According to Michael K. Carlie (2002), there are those who believe in free will and those who could be categorized as determinists. Individuals who believe in free will are certain that people choose to behave the way they do; they are hedonistic, meaning they choose how to behave in order to establish pleasure over pain, and these individuals believe people are rational and may choose from a variety of choices in which how to behave. On the other hand, determinists believe the complete opposite. They feel as if human behavior is determined by forces outside of the individual’s control. Determinists believe that biological make-up, psychological states, and socio-cultural situations determine how the person will behave (Carlie 2002). Along with these two approaches comes differential association. This assumes that criminal behavior and its techniques are a part of the learning process. The individual’s perception of law and crime determines how that person will behave in society (Walsh & Hemmens, 2008). This theory unmistakably explains the outcome of gang violence due to an individual’s exposure of existing gangs and their actions within their society. Components of Cultural Deviance Another theory that many like to refer to would be social disorganization. This philosophy concentrates more on the circumstances in the inner city that affect crimes. They include, but are not limited to, the destruction of homes and neighborhoods, lack of social control, and the presence of gangs or groups who violate the law (Siegel 2010). Other than this theory, there is such thing as the strain theory. This suggests that crime is brought upon communities and individuals by the overwhelming strain that people are feeling when they aspire to reach their personal ambitions but have no way to grasp them. According to Featherstone and Deflem (2003), strain theorists believe that money and power are spread throughout economic classes unequally. They feel as if this frustration and strain built by individuals who are not able to achieve their goals is what influences a person’s choice to commit a crime. Believing this, strain theorists feel that the youth are certain that the only way to obtain what they desire is to join gangs, because they see other gang members in the community prosper with money. However, it is due to a life of crime and unfortunately, the youth feel as if joining the gang will benefit them in the same way. A combination of the social disorganization and strain theories brings a new concept, which is considered as the cultural deviance theory. These theorists believe that criminal behavior is the result of social isolation in urban environments as well as the strain they gain from their neighborhoods or environments, too (Siegel 2010). A follower of this cultural deviance theory would consider the combination of being raised in a deteriorated neighborhood and the strain of knowing no other option out for reasoning towards an individual’s choice in joining gangs as true (Siegel 2010). The theorists believe that it would take both negative factors to push a person far enough to a point where they feel the need to take part in a gang’s violent behavior. American Youth Wanting to Join Gangs First and foremost, each individual case varies; however, many similar reasons are tied into a young adult’s decision and need to join a street gang. The so-called common denominator of why youth memberships of gangs increase is the alienation and profound identity loss in which they are looking to regain through the presence of an accommodating peer group (Barnhart 2008). A Pittsburgh Youth Study indicated that 20 percent of the African American youth enter a gang by the time they have reached the age of 15. It also illustrates that gang entry begins as early as the age of 9 (Lahey, Gordon, Loeber, Stouthamer-Loeber & Farrington 1999). The reasons for such rapid rates of entry may include the individual’s feeling of gaining security, protection, and a sense of belonging. Many may agree, when stated, that these could be seen as the main apparatuses of a young person’s decision to join. It is known that the lack of family, community, or youth support systems is respectable reasoning behind their decisions as well. According to the OJJDP Bulletin (2003), the fact that the youth who are living in a lower class are raised in decrepit, run-down neighborhoods is a key aspect in which why these people choose to participate in the violence and danger associated with gang involvement. Other factors that play a role in a young individual’s decision to join a gang include the need for a surrogate, or substitute, family. These young people join gangs to receive love, attention, and approval in which they feel are lacking at their actual homes. Also, according to the Edmonton Police Service (2011), American youth turns to gang affiliation because of low self-worth and low self-esteem that they gain due to unemployment or academic failure. It is also noted that many street gang members wish to carry on a family tradition of gang involvement established by family members, such as parents, siblings and cousins, in which they portray as role models (Edmonton Police Service 2011). Unfortunately, misconstrued members of society believe that many positive opportunities come out of being coincided with street gangs. These thrill seeking individuals, which share a similar characteristic of defiant behavior, wish to financially gain profits from illegal, life-threatening activities (Gang Awareness Guide, no year, pg. 3). Tracy E. Barnhart (2008) mentions that these misunderstood participants of social order join because they are tired of being picked on and are seeking power and respect among peers. Symbolic Interactionism Within Gangs According to (2011), symbolic interactionism is the â€Å"theory that human interaction and communication is facilitated by words, gestures, and other symbols that have acquired conventionalized meanings† (1). This is something that gang members all over the nation practice on a daily basis. One component of a gang’s symbolic interactionism would be hand signs. According to the San Antonio Police Department’s Youth Crime Service Unit (2011), the use of hand signs is one of the most popular forms of communication for street gangs across the United States. They also continue to state that each gang uses an identifying sign which shows what major gang they are in affiliation to. This method of language is not only an identifying factor but also a process in which a gang member may show disrespect to rival gangs (6). Along with speech, similar phrases, and hand signs being indicators of gang association, it is also noted that graffiti, colors worn, and tattoos are indicators of gang affiliation, too (Gang Awareness Guide, page 3). Such symbolism is an individual’s self-definition more complete due to visually communicating within his or her gang members and rival gangs. Symbolic interactionism among gangs is somewhat easy to identify and has become a part of the average gang member’s life. Methods of Research The above research was based from secondary data analysis and reviews from government published documents. By stating that secondary data analysis was done, this illustrates that primary sources were used, gathered, and translated by myself. In order to sustain as much credibility as possible, I have used official government and police department issues, such as bulletins and informational guides published by them. Along with these documents, the works of gang-related articles were used as well. The criteria for using these two methods of secondary data analysis and documents should be plain to see. They were the two methods of gathering information that I saw would be most necessary, or essential. Along with choosing the topic of gang affiliation and aspects of gangs, I have instantly decided that these two methods must be used due to the fact that case studies and other methods would include me, the author, putting myself in dangerous circumstances among passionate, violent individuals and geographical areas in which they reside. However, every credible article and document has been cited accordingly throughout my works, research, and literature review. Results This research has somewhat opened my eyes to the world of sociology among other things. The information established from several different sources all have the same idea and impression on gang affiliation. Their main focuses were similar due to the fact that almost all of them took sociological approaches to answering the question of why individuals join street gangs. For example, both the Edmonton Police Service and Tracy Barnhart agree that these individuals are struggling with their identities, have grown up in gang-related environments, and wish to join a street gang in order to establish a monetary gain. Also, a couple of the sources were police bulletins, and they all showed common signs of a gangster and what signs to look for to identify them. This information was used in order for me to understand the symbolic interactionism that most members share. For instance, the 2005 Threat Assessment and the Gang Awareness Guide both explain that gangs utilize symbolic interactionism to an extreme; they both commonly state that graffiti and tattoos are a major factor in gang symbolism. Unfortunately, I had some sources that contradicted one another when it came to the social theories for explaining a child’s mentality towards gang membership. For example, NCJRS believed in the social disorganization theory. This explained that the community played the major role in an individual’s action of joining a gang. On the other hand, author Mike Carlie believed that there were two different theories that answered this phenomenon. His theories were free will versus determinism. Unlike NCJRS, he believed that people may either choose to behave the way they do or biological and psychological make-up of an individual decides for them. Although there were slight differences, none of the sources disagreed with the idea of individuals joining gangs for acceptance, power, raised social rank, ect. By discovering similarities within most of these sources, I have decided that each source has a likeness and resemblance with the others. Several of them share the idea that cultural deviance has been highly effective in the growing matter of gang memberships. They also agree that these misunderstood and misguided individuals are influenced by the idea of having to gain social power throughout society. My findings have given me much insight and knowledge of influential and sociological aspects of street gangs. Conclusion To conclude this research that was constructed, I would like to state that every resource shared the common idea that our young adults join gangs for acceptance among other things. I agree with what I have taken in from these sources. My understanding from all of them was that if these struggling, gang infested communities worked together to make their children feel accepted within positive groups and programs then the percentage of gang memberships would decline. There is a large scale of those individuals looking for acceptance and a way to raise their social status. I believe this should be accomplished by other means, such as afterschool programs and community sports, rather than partaking in a life of crime and violence. Nonetheless, every source was valuable to my research and they showed that, although there is a problem with gang activities, the communities do not have to struggle with the rapid increase. Most of the sources stated that if these young adults received more attention and love, not only from their primary group but the entire community as well, then their mentality and reasoning for joining street gangs would deteriorate; these individuals would have an equal opportunity to strive towards their personal goals of money and raised statuses. Limitations There were both strong and weak points, or findings, that came along with the research of sociological aspects of gangs. A very durable and strong factor that I feel aided my examination and exploration of the subject was the fact that authorized police bulletins and statements were used. However, along with these great sources I found myself feeling somewhat limited due to the fact that I could not personally speak with a gang member to see how their thought process worked on the subject of joining a gang from a sociological view. I also found myself having a slight issue with finding credible, primary articles to go along with the bulletins and guides in which I have discovered and put to use. Recommendations for Future Research In order to further research, or make the above research better, I believe that other sources and methods of obtaining these sources should be used. I would have liked to construct a case study or have been able to find a completed case study that was already accomplished from a reliable source. I seem to find an interest in this subject matter and may consider researching this topic more in depth for the future. Along with finding a credible case study, I have also thought about using visual sources, such as the History Channel’s Gangland, in order to find a better understanding on the subject. Although it was not done in this particular research, I believe I may use my own advice in the recommendations for my future research. References Barnhart, T. E. (2008, April 7). â€Å"Why do youth join prison gangs?†. PoliceOne. Retrieved November 22, 2011, from Bureau of Justice Assistance. (2005). 2005 National Gang Threat Assessment. National Alliance of Gang Investigators Associations. Retrieved November 22, 2011, from Carlie, M. Chapter 21: End Note. Into The Abyss: A Personal Journey into the World of Street Gangs. Missouri State University, 2002. Updated: 5 July 2011. Retrieved November 22, 2011, from (2011). Definition of: Symbolic Interactionism. Retrieved November 22, 2011, from Edmonton Police Service. (2011). Traits of Gang Members. Gangs. Retrieved November 21, 2011, from OrganizedCrime/Gangs/TraitsofGangMembers.aspx Egley, Jr, A., & Major, A. K. OJJP Fact Sheet. Highlights of the 2002 National Youth Gang Survey. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention: J. Robert Flores, Administrator, 2004. Retrieved November 22, 2011, from Featherstone, Richard, and Mathieu Deflem. 2003. â€Å"Anomie and Strain: Context and Consequences of Merton’s Two Theories.† Sociological Inquiry 73(4):471-489, 2003. Retrieved November 22, 2011, from