Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Conversation partner paper for interculture communication class Essay - 1

Conversation vocalizationner paper for interculture discourse class - Essay ExampleThese are very important to them since they determine the success of the interpersonal dealings amongst the members of the community (Benedict, R., 2005).The first cultural pattern he revealed to me is about the relationship between the young one and only(a)s and their seniors. Upon innate questioning, he told me that it is a common practice that the juniors should always reckon their seniors. Even if such a respect is supposed to be reciprocated, the children are supposed to show a lot of respect to their elders. A part from listening to them, they should do whatever they are instructed to do without much questioning. This is a very crucial sentiment of these people because it has enabled them to establish an obedient class of children who can effectively be guided to conform to the social standards.The other important cultural pattern revealed to me by my partner is that in their society, th ere are norms which should be treated with respect. In order to promote cohesion and respect, there are certain things which should not be done by everyone. For instance, no body is allowed to discuss about topics such as sex in public. This regulation is specifically targeted towards children who are not permitted to engage in such discussions whatsoever (Ankerl, G., 2000). This, he told me, is meant to bang up discipline in such children and make them believe that such are sacred activities which are whole meant for the married persons.As a matter of fact, I was able to notice my partner express these cultural patterns during our conversation. I learnt that he was keen on the way he was using both verbal and non-verbal communication to prove his point. When we first met, he treated me with lots of respect. Right from the beginning, he took me to be his senior. Therefore, he was the one who greeted me even before we started our interviews. Later, as we progressed with the discus sions, I

Monday, April 29, 2019

Chemistry of common preservatives Research Paper

Chemistry of common preservatives - Research Paper ExampleA great amount of interchangeability does not exist because of specific inhibitory actions towards bacteria, or molds or yeasts.Although microbes whitethorn not be avoided in non-sterile preparations, attempts are made to ensure that potentially pathogenic microbes are absent. The presence and subsequent growth of microbes may lead to many chemical changes and loss of attribute of food preparations, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics. The potential for this loss of quality may occur at any of the many stages between acquisition of the raw material and eventual(prenominal) consumption of the finished product.The history of chemical and physical preservation is closely associated with the history and development of antimicrobic agents. Since the ancient times a scientific basis of antisepsis, disinfection and preservation has evolved over the last 150-160 years. Modern look brings to light that the use of preservatives ha s not been an alien concept to mankind in history. For centuries, preservatives, in the natural form, fill been used in the pickling process, development of dyes and colors, prevention of microbial action on wounds, perishable goods such as vegetables, dairy etc. The Native Americans even relied on the use of adding bacteria the drying process1 .The most amazing and progressive use of preserving agents was exhibited by the Egyptians in the mummification process of the dead bodies of the rulers. The use of oils and resins to quicken or inert down the decaying process were used to best effect by the Egyptian Civilization.Nowadays, food preservation has dramatically reduced, Combination of preservatives may reduce overall concentration of a preservative and natural preservative organization could replace the classical ones to minimize the adverse effects.It is the simplest acid of aromatic series. It is permitted as a preservative in food-stuffs, drugs and cosmetics as sodium or pot assium salt of benzoic acid. It is

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sales Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Sales Presentation - Essay ExampleThe Baderman Island Resort aims at providing maximum facilities to its valued customers. Therefore, for the gizmo of guests, to save them from any communication issues, Interpreter will be usable in the Main hotel. To save the precious time of guests, the main Hotel will provide an increased look of round on the front desk to make checking in and out quick for the guests. The main hotel has an exotic fare and beverages department which will cater the guests with their wonderful dishes. The hotel has many different cafs and dining halls available for the convenience of guests.The main hotel is meant for families therefore it stresses on the availability of proper recreational facilities designed especially for families and children. Facilities like Baderman Island haven spa, golf pro shop and Baderman Island Gift Boutique will be available for families. Kids can enthrall visiting the museum and the botanical gardens. Scuba diving and guided natu re trips are yet a nonher attractive force for the families. Keeping in view the safety of guests, the hotel will hire extra staff trained in scuba diving and water skiing so that safety of children and other guests is ensured. First aid is in any case available in case of any unpleasant accident.The 400 participants who will not be go with with their spouses or families will be accommodated in the Meloncon Hotel. The Meloncon Hotel is meant to cater business travelers. It provides many facilities for business events such as this convention. Interpretation facility is available here. The Melancon Hotel will also honor the conference discounted rates. The hotel will increase its staff at the front desk to accommodate the guests convention check in and checkout inescapably to save the guests valueable time. The Melancon hotel is directly connected to the convention center so the guests will not have to cover long distance to reach the convention center.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Regional and land planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Regional and land prep - Essay ExampleSpecifically, the problem of fit the skateboarders of LOVE home has been contentious. A partial plan has been underway to provide solution for the perceived planning problem. And it cannot be determined whether the problem should be focused on community cohesion, aesthetic, practicality and economy, heritage, safety, or even inclusion. It should be noted that the problem about inclusion of perceived community nuisance in the planning synopsis has been a challenge not only for devisers nevertheless also for policy-makers and the residents. However, their part in the history and story of places cannot be easily dismissed. The author has noted the importance attached by skateboarders in LOVE Plaza within the discussed area and will argue the need to reconsider their petition to provide them a elegant space within the public realm. You are to prepare an article for a townspeople planning journal to test your capacity for research and original thinking. The topic of your article should be a fairly late(a) or current town planning issue facing a local government bureau and/or a local community, preferably be one that is being debated in the community and in the media. It has to be an issue to do with a type of development that falls under the jurisdiction of a local government authority (i.e. is assessed by a LGA). The article should achieve the following Define the town planning issue. The town planning issue is the renovation of the Dilworth, JFK, and Municipal Services Plazas in Philadelphia focused on the re-accommodation of skateboarders at LOVE Plaza. The area has been for quite a while an issue when the original structures started to be seen as failed spaces. It had too many of the same thing in one place, and previously a grand scheme to create a downtown of the future, with offices and retail integrated into the underground transit system, (Saffron, 2011, P 7). It was conceived by planner Edmund Bacon who was d escribed as legendary, and executed by Vincent Klings firm based on Romes Piazza Navona (Saffron, 2011). Renovation is a contentious word for planners and designers not only due to sentimental or heritage and aesthetic reasons but also economic (Needleham, 1968 Sigsworth and Wilkinson, 1969). There are a lot of various considerations for renovation, regenerations or redesign beginning(a) of which is its financial and economic implication not only to the governing body but also to the stop of the stakeholders that include residents, and even non-residents for that matter. Certain balance is needed to be achieved in all processes of renovation so that there is double if not triple care taken by planners, designers and authorities in cast to meet all criteria and expectations that the changes would achieve. The plazas were arranged to set off views of new towers, viewed as timely in the 1960s, complementing the modernist belfry Kling that housed the city services. It was envisioned as a great places for downtown workers to lunch alfresco, (Saffron, 2011, P7) but had claustrophobic high-pitched walls, inaccessible and yet had multiple staircases. The area also became a turn-off because maintenance had been neglected and due to privation of public interest, it was claimed by the skateboarders in the 1990s (Saffron, 2011). The area had been evaluated to be

Friday, April 26, 2019

Qualitative and Quantitative Considerations in Examination of War Essay

soft and Quantitative Considerations in Examination of War - Essay ExampleAccording to Clausewitz fight is the continuation of regime by other means. War is the mobilization of national power to achieve political bearings, which have been translated into strategic military objectives, by mixing the material factors of economic capacity, technological capacity, transportation, etc., and immaterial factors like national depart, go away of the ruler and resilience ( Note Considerations for the Study of War 2010). The military strategic policy of the state will explain how the task is to be accomplished. Every state will go to war with a strategic policy which may be written or may be an ambition of the ruler. So, the aim of war is the most important qualitative consideration. The aim of war can also be limited or unlimited. War has a dual nature, according to Clausewitz. One is the objective reality and the other is the subjective reality. The objective nature of war refers to the common things in war, i.e. violence, fear, danger, fortune, etc.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

OPEC's Failure in the 1980s Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

OPECs Failure in the 1980s - Essay ExampleThe oil market of the early 1980s saw supply increase as producers found the higher price was worth the opportunity cost to produce more (Tucker, 63). Consumers, willing to sustain at those same high prices, decreased consumption and OPEC was forced to obey the Law of Supply and entreat while its diminished market share neutralized the cartel effect.OPEC, formed in 1960, had seen steadily falling value in a barrel of oil until key events of the 1970s reversed that trend. Arab solidarity in response to Israels battle in the Yom Kippur war of 1973 triggered an oil embargo on nations supporting Israel. OPECs ability to act in plan while controlling a large percentage of the supply resulted in a market shortage. Consumers were at one time faced with few, if any, practical product alternatives. However, new producers entered the market to produce in locations that were now profitable at these prices. The North Sea began production and the So viet Union peaked at 12 million place per day making it, a non-OPEC member, the worlds top producer (Supply). The high price to a fault make new technologies feasible that would have not been economical at the lower prices. These forces combined to increase supply.Consumers also reacted by reducing consumption.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Technology Brought Both Advantages and Disadvantages to Students Research Paper

Technology Brought Both Advantages and Disadvantages to Students - Research Paper drillAs the paper declares one of the great advantages of new technologies in the schoolroom is the digitalization of learning re seeded players much(prenominal) as scripts and journals by converting them into electronic formats that non only embraces text and illustrations, but in like manner multi-modal features such as animation, sound, music, video, in addition to hyperlinks. The current generation of books is nothing close to the conventional formats, particularly because, by development software like Adobe Reader or Microsoft Reader, students can access a large counterweight of learning resources in the form of e-books by see them on their personal computers both at home base and at school. The digitalized learning resources provide a commodious reservoir of learning resources, which students can access easy by purchasing e-books from online bookstores or by contract them free from on line libraries.According to the discussion findings the electronic book resources have many advantages over the conventional books because they often have user-friendly interphases and editing tools that allow the referee a lot of control over the reading resources. Introduction of learning technologies has also created new opportunities for all-embracing learning, particularly because students are able to conduct extra research on their receive away from the classroom situation, in addition to the knowledge delivered in the classroom. Technology enhances both teaching and learning efficiency in the classrooms.... Reader, students can access a large proportion of learning resources in the form of e-books by viewing them on their personal computers both at home and at school. The digitalized learning resources provide a broad reservoir of learning resources, which students can access easily by purchasing e-books from online bookstores or by renting them free from online libraries (Larson 122). The electronic book resources have many advantages over the conventional books because they often have user-friendly interphases and editing tools that allow the reader a lot of control over the reading resources. For example, the students can habituate those tools to manipulate the text in so many ways including editing, deleting, marking passages, highlighting, and even inserting comments on clumsy notes, among many other things. This way, students engage more with the learning material, thereby enhancing their comprehension and overall performance in this case, technology leads to enhanced student performance because it leads to the transformation of learning experiences in the classrooms. Introduction of learning technologies has also created new opportunities for extended learning, particularly because students are able to conduct extra research on their own away from the classroom situation, in addition to the knowledge delivered in the classroom. The internet is a rich source of diverse information and learning resources that students can utilize on their own away from the classroom, thereby not only transforming their experiences by understanding the knowledge gained in the classroom further, but also extending their learning experiences finished additional information. The pervasive spread of information and technology has facilitated the access of course material by students

'Self-determination is irrelevant in the 21st Century'. Discuss Essay

Self-determination is irrelevant in the 21st Century. Discuss - bear witness ExampleIt is accordingly, protected by various international human rights bodies that ensure all throng give out their rights. This concept has evolved during the 20th century following secessionist movements during and after World War I and II allowing for decolonisation of countries from the 1960s onwards. The start of the famous European colonization of the Americas started around 1940s following the Spanish expedition headed by Christopher Columbus5. This followed a conquest that was featured by large-scale exploration, migration and eventually colonization in order to take beat advantage of the resources in those foreign countries. Rebellions were the first characteristics of the determination to self-rule that was witnessed in the mid 1770s. Because of the explicit invocations of subjective law, the natural right of man and the absence of consent from the people who were being governed, people be gan to revolt against colonial rule6. In the United Stated Declaration of Independence, the promotion of the notion that the will of the people is supreme do significant contributions to the aspect of self-determination. These and some other notions are what led to the acceptance of the principle of self-determination. ... These treaties both held that people had a right to freely pursue their economic and governmental interests following self-determination. Previously, self-determination was considered a political principle with no legal effect. But following WW2, self-determination became a legal principle and a right in International Law. And because of its adoption by several treaties and charters it received worldwide recognition low International Law. The concept of self-determination is thus still relevant because of the number of cases in the International solicit of Justice that have received ruling in favor of the concept of self-determination. Self-determination has thus achieved the shape of erga omnes which requires the rest of the international community to respect it. Other jurists and scholars have also argued that the principle of self-determination has acquired the spatial relation of jus cogens making it the superior rule of international law. As such, the rest of the community has the mandate to strictly chase it at all times and in all circumstances in their relations with each other. However, the UN Charter10 had no provisions for the enforcement of the right to self-determination outside the context of decolonization. It simply provided that countries be allowed to govern themselves but it did not provide other stipulations for how this was to take place. This allowed the legal doctrine of uti possidetis juris11 to thrive. This meant that old administrative boundaries became the international boundaries without taking into good will the linguistic, ethical and cultural boundaries that had previously existed. Despite the fact tha t people of one culture were torn apart(predicate) by international boundaries, nations succeeded in freeing themselves from colonial rule.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Discovery Of The World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 109

Discovery Of The World - Essay good exampleInitial education on world tours captures the role of Columbus as a first explorer, which is not accurate because of the existence of data suggesting there were other voyagers before him who explored the world and discovered most of the places he is credited for. The involvement of Columbus in Hispaniola indicates the cruel nature of his approach. The killing of the inhabitants of the area was a genocide event because it led to suffering to the people of Hispaniola. The direct involvement of his men in the death of the locals indicates vicious liability of Columbus. In addition, the action taken by Columbus and his voyages in the area can be charged in the modern world as the violation of human rights. Columbus is a villain and not a hero because he is credited for what he did not achieve. Likewise, he is involved in actions and events that are not related to heroism. The involvement in battles in order to claim the lands and wealth of o thers is an recitation of the challenge of respect for humans.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Managing Information Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Managing Information Technology - Essay typeCertainly, chargebacks are non for all time the outcome of somewhat IS service supplier did or did not perform sometimes mis checks are made by issuer of card, buyers and credit card holders (Brown, DeHayes, Hoffer, Martin, & Perkins, 2009), (Visa., 2011) and (Conde, 2011). Moreover, a chargeback takes place later a consumer contacts their credit-card provider to challenge a charge that emerges on their credit card testimonial. Additionally, the chargebacks can take place due to several causes for instance an illegal agent has performed an acquisition the consumers credit card. In addition, there could be some concerns of chargeback wherein a buyer is not pleased with the strength of the IS services. There is another(prenominal) aspect in which consumer has been indicted numerous times intended for the similar order of purchase. In other scenarios a chargeback can take place when the purchaser is displeased by an acquirement and has not been capable to split up the issue with the trader. Other cases may involve when the purchaser has not obtained the purchased products as they were promised by the IS service provider (Brown, DeHayes, Hoffer, Martin, & Perkins, 2009) and (Google, 2011).

Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Costs of Ecotourism in the Global Community Term Paper

The Costs of Ecotourism in the Global association - Term Paper ExampleHowever, the costs of ecotourism have become a controversial issue among various sectors and institutions in global society. Even though ecotourism is seen to promote ecological aw beness for travelers and serve as a significant revenue generator for rural societies, a lot of people question its real kick the bucket in the connection. Some groups like Tourism Concern in the UK argued that ecotourism harms the environment, together with the people in it. (Ecobits and Ecopieces 2002) Currently, the word of honor ecotourism is used loosely in conversations. Ecotourism is often used to denote activities involving nature. Ecotourism can designate a all-encompassing array of activity like mountain climbing, water rafting, and other ecological explorations. However, it can be strike to find out that various ecotourism institutions give definitions which are a way to far from the colloquial perception. Ecotourism o perator ecological tourism, which possesses both ecological and social connotations. Ecotourism can denote both concept/tourism exercise and as a tourism sector (Ecotourism 2005). The existence of ecotourism dates back in the late 1980s and joined Nations declared the year 2002 as the International Year of Tourism. During that year, the UN has recognized the impact of ecotourism in the global community and aimed to promote sustainable tourism (International Year of Ecotourism 2002).The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) defines ecotourism as responsible travel to subjective areas that conserves the environment and improves the well being of local people (What is Ecotourism 2004). This also implies that people who implement and contact part in this responsible travel should adhere to principles so as promote the objectives of ecotourism. With this consideration, companies and participants alike are required to minimize their impact on the ecological society visited. Ecotouris m activities should also be designed to install environmental and cultural awareness and respect, as well as provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts. Since ecotourism is geared to develop the destination, it should be able to benefit the society financially for the conservation of the environment.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Motorola Marketing Campaign Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Motorola merchandising Campaign - Case Study Example market placeing has grown by leaps and bounds today. It is a originative industry that has expanded down to various genres such as advertising, distribution and selling. Customer base is forecast out, their needs and aspirations realized and the relevant product developed accordingly. Future predictions and the expected turn the market is to regaining is often analyzed through various forms and types of Market research.Motorola had witnessed significant rise in its gains in the year 2009. It registered a profit of $143 million against a loss of $ 3.7 billion it faced in 2008. The fact was a precise drastic one which led to the top management to adopt a very aggressive strategy. There were some intelligent cost cutting measures adopted followed by a heavy profit. There was a hefty cost cut strategy applied leading to heavy profit margin, whereas on the other hand sales graph was in the decline state for the mobile phones. bef ore long Motorola is looking around to launch new technologies .Recently it was announced that they would be launching a new indoor(prenominal) and outdoor wireless networking solution in Australia, that pull up stakes cover a variety of industries benefiting the enterprises with high facilitate secured wireless communications. They also have a plan of releasing eight more products and solutions related to networking. This would sum in flexibility, convenience and productivity in the way of work of the employees of these enterprises. It has also announced to split up of the company into two separate companies which will be effective by first quarter of 2011. unitary of the companies will focus on the mobile phones and home units operated by Co-CEO of Motorola, whereas the other one, headed by Co-CEO Greg Brown will focus on the mobility and business solutions.The primary reason behind this is to generate customer value and break the delivery of customer specific products on ti me that would cater to all their needs.Motorolas Market OrientationMarket Orientation Marketing has derived its influences from innumerable fields of life such as social sciences, psychology, sociology and economics. It is a incomparable amalgamation of various fronts of life. Anthropology has been impacting trade for quite some time though the influence is comparatively smaller in scale. Research conducted by trade analysts has chalked out these activities. Its association with advertisement has co-joined with creative arts too. like a shot marketing variables have incorporated creative arts too for marketing the product. The Marketing literature is no more constant and is infamous for its rapidly changing nature. There have been a multitude of marketing definitions connoted by various institutes. The Chartered Institute of Marketing is one such marketing premise and it explains marketing in terms of customer needs and the efforts undertaken to satiate them. This is normally a chieved by transforming and adapting the product completely in accordance with the needs of the customers. Another organization goes on to define marketing as a forge closely related to management which is aimed at identifying and assessing customer needs efficiently while some others learn

Friday, April 19, 2019

Team, Groups and Diversity In the Workplace Essay

squad, mathematical aggroups and Diversity In the Workplace - Essay voiceBack in the old days, the big players were top management however, business structures have changed placing emphasis on the crucial role of business units inhabitn as police squads or groups. Although we often hear these two run-in used interchangeably, it would be best for any draw to know the signifi throw outt difference between the two. Group or Team Why It Matters The most common definition of a group given by social scientists is that it is composed of two or more people that have social interaction which seems sooner simple. So two or three people stranded in an elevator is already considered a group. However, Katzenbach and Smith (1993) defined group as two or more people who interact in the first place to destiny information, best practices, or perspectives and to make decisions to help each individual perform within his or her ara of responsibility ( qtd. from Kane,1998). There is no need t o meet a performance need nor to share accountability, according to the authors. They simply have to share experiences and help one another. On the other hand, a team up is a group of people coming unneurotic interdependently and cooperatively by accomplishing a purpose and goal. We know that spieling in a team, they will be conflicts, but assisting each other, we can build a firm team. ( De Janasz-Dowd-Schneider, 2005,Pg.187). The description can be plainly seen in the workings of any athletic team who need to train together for one purpose win a championship. A small group can become a valuable team to any business unit. Once the team portions are collective in their purpose and action, the leader would just steer them in the right direction for triumph to follow. However, one of the challenges in the work place today is diversity because globalization makes people from incompatible cultures to work together. It is expected that conflicts would arise because people have diffe rent opinions on a certain issue. Challenges To A Team Hofstedes statement is clear Culture is more often a source of conflict than of synergy. ethnic differences are a nuisance at best and often a disaster. A diverse workplace presents different cultures which cannot be avoided. Culture is inherent in a society, and that culture affects and influences the way that feature society conducts its business (Henry, 1999). Nonetheless, even teams composed of one nationality would always have conflicts because humans have different beliefs. Katzenbach and Smith (1993), write in an article titled, The discipline of teams, note When individuals approach a team situation, specially in a business setting, each has preexisting job assignments as well as strengths and weaknesses reflecting a variety of talents, backgrounds, personalities, and prejudices (p. 168). Hence, team leaders need to face the challenge of bringing talented people together who may often disagree on a issue. Team leader s can be strong un dealing with conflicts by helping atoms cultivate trust and respect to other members of team. A team leader can place guidelines that can help the team achieve its objectives. Instead of criticizing a team member who is not performing well, assistance must be given first to enable that team member cope with the group. The Importance of Diversity While diversity may bring challenges to an organization, particularly to a team, it can also contribute to the success of an organization. First of all, diversity encourages creativity so people in a diverse team can come up with new products and services. Second, having a diverse set of team members would ensure you that your organization is attuned to global customers. Consumers are not only concentrated

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Identification of managerial, financial, legal and ethical Case Study

Identification of managerial, financial, legal and honorable implications for Problem Identification in the Healthc are Sector - Case Study ExampleThis creates a hesitance to utilize health care services preventatively which has long-term financial implications in terms of hospital and clinic gainfulness and, ultimately, on general society as well who must support government-sponsored health care. Statistics Immigrant Latino workers image much higher traumatic injury rates, approximately 33 percent higher than U.S. municipal workers (Molina, 2011). This is collectable to the fact that immigrant Latinos are often not properly educated with specialized training and therefore are able to land only dangerous jobs in which they are often exploited by their domestic employer (Molina). In this situation, they are not being provided adequate health care insurance and thus collapse longer recovery times in the event of non-fatal, traumatic injury on the job. Lost productiveness is one f inancial problem for the employer, however their lack of health insurance makes them reliant on government-sponsored systems that bend state and federal level budgets for health provision that impacts society as a whole.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Conflict Resolution in Health Care Setting Essay

Conflict Resolution in Health Care Setting - Essay exemplarConflict vill senesce in the health setting requires the presence of intricate and complex competencies. Appropriate and pertinent strategies help to reduce or mitigate problems in the health burster setting. This research paper volition study the scenario of a patient role suffering from chills and fever kidney failure. The patient has refused to be treated with dialysis which can amend quality of life. The scope of the paper will be concerned about implementing appropriate, ethical, and realistic conflict resolution methods. This paper will seek to use diverse research resources in order to deduce hi-fi and reliable results.Scott is a sixty year old patient who has been diagnosed with acute kidney failure. Health care physicians withdraw recommended dialysis in order to produce superior outcomes. Dialysis will also improve the quality of life for Scott. so far the patient is depressed and frustrated that the treatm ent is futile. He is no longer concerned about treating and managing acute kidney failure. He has beliefs that in any event his life will end irrespective of treatment or disease management. Health care physicians are insisting on provision of accurate and appropriate care for the patient.Scott retired from a position as a bank manager when he was fifty six eld old. His retirement years were marked by considerable psychological problems. Physical health for the patient was chiefly appropriate. However financial and economic problems have also taken a toll on the patient. The patient also lives alone as he has separated from his wife. His relations with siblings and children are also estranged. At the age of fifty eight, the patient was diagnosed with minor kidney problems. Health care professionals assessed and evaluated the patient requirements. Initially the patient was diagnosed with minor nephritic problems. Diuretics were recommended to the patient (Romeu, 1996). However wit h the passage of time, the health care professionals detected that metabolic acidosis had significantly increased. A testimonial for dialysis was initiated for the patient. Electrolyte abnormality was also recognized in the patients body. Pericarditis was also found to be prevalent and rampant wrong the patient (Romeu, 1996). Psychological, financial, and physical problems seem to have created frustration, anxiety, and depression in the patient. He has refused to take up medical treatment which can efficiently and effectively improve quality of life. Conflict ContextThe conflict has arisen in the wake of numerous problems faced by the patient.

A tale of two schools Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A story of two instructs - Essay ExampleThe two new studies put test scores in mount by speculateing the childrens approvegrounds and taking into account factors like race, ethnicity, income and parents educational backgrounds to make the comparisons more meaningful. The extended study of charter tutors has not been released.The report cautions, for example, against concluding that children do better because of the type of school as foreign to unknown factors. It also warns of great variations of performance among cliquish schools, making a blanket comparison of domain and private schools of modest utility. And the scores on which its findings are based reflect only a jibe of student performance at a point in time and say nothing rough individual student progress in different settings.Students in private schools typically score higher(prenominal) than those in public schools, a finding confirmed in the study. The report then dug deeper to differentiate students of like ra cial, economic and social backgrounds. When it did that, the private school avail disappeared in all areas except eighth-grade reading.In every specific comparison between a new small school and a grownup comprehensive school, the small school took in higher percentages of students meeting standards and ready to do high school work, and lower percentages of students at risk for dropping out.Much braggart(a)r percentages of the incoming n... When it did that, the private school advantage disappeared in all areas except eighth-grade reading.And in math, 4th graders attending public school were nearly fractional a year ahead of comparable students in private school, according to the report.The report separated private schools by type and found that among private school students, those in Lutheran schools performed best, while those in hidebound Christian schools did worst. In every specific comparison between a new small school and a large comprehensive school, the small school to ok in higher percentages of students meeting standards and ready to do high school work, and lower percentages of students at risk for dropping out. Much larger percentages of the incoming ordinal and tenth grade of the new small schools had met or surpassed standards on the 8th grade New York democracy English Language Arts ELA and Math exams than the incoming class in the large comprehensive schools. around strikingly, in one instance the small Ryer Avenue Elementary School had five times as many students meeting ELA standards and more than three times as many students meeting Math standards as the large Abraham Joshua Heschel School.The small schools had a higher percentage of the students with the demographic profile that generally predicts a palmy completion of high school. The entering classes of the small schools had better 8th grade attendance records than the classes at the large schools. Many fewer of their incoming students were overage for their grade - a sign that t hey had either been left back or had their education disrupted.The problem here is NOT Ryer Avenue Elementary School or the some other small schools. Every school, large and small, should receive the funding and supports that Bronx Aerospace receives.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Walmart and Ethics Article Summary Essay Example for Free

Walmart and Ethics Article Summary EssayThe article was acquired from http//knowledge. wharton. upenn. edu/article. cfm? articleid=2999, titled E genuinelyones Problem looking for Beyond the Wal-Mart Bribery Case. This is articles purpose is to show how common bribing of public officials is using Wal-Marts case as an example. Wal-Mart is still having issues building up their ethical perception to the public. They had many shareholders investing in Mexico and these shareholders wanted answers on why the transplant was overlooked by upper management.The article gives many examples of countries that regularly participate in acts of some kind of transplant or countries where it is socially accepted. Many researchers believe this bribery is hard to track because people wont speak up and most activity happens chthonian the table. However, Shaun Donnelly, vice president of investment and financial services at the United States Council for International Business, a bare-assed Yor k City-based nonprofit, says that the trend is in the positive direction.The public sentiment is that bribery is not an acceptable way to do business. (1) On the other side of things William s. Laufer, Wharton Professor of legal studies in business ethics, thinks that even with subjoind FCPA enforcement that acts of bribery of public officials is still on the rise. In the case of Wal-Mart the only excuse to remotely explain these acts would be the difference in culture, and what is and is not socially expectable. This article argues that corporate political influence cornerstone increase acts of bribery.The authors of this article used appropriate examples and sources for their facts, and the quotes throughout the article were from people with prestige. I enjoyed this article and as a publisher I would print because it brings about factual shew supporting a claim that on that argue is an unseen uprising in bribery involving public officials. I believe a point was reached in th at the case of Wal-Mart was used as example of corporate political influence. The author backed up his briny idea with showing how common bribery among public officials is and the influence a big corporation can have on a countries government.This article does lack some evidence from the corporations point of view. The article could contain quotes and/or opinions from corporations themselves or top management. There probably is some other evidence out there countering that bribery on the corporation level is not abused so often. However, this article flaws are covered up by a strong main idea and conclusion. This article is very sound in that has factual evidence and quotes to back up a main idea that uses Wal-Mart as its main example.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Medicinal Marijuana use in the United States Essay Example for Free

Medicinal ordurenabis exercising in the united States EssayAlthough many individuals find medical examination ganja illegal, and unnecessary, it is a rude(a) herb used to help symptoms caused by continuing illnesses. Over three million Americans use medical ganja. Medical marijuana is the or so widely used drug used to treat chronic illnesses in seventeen states. The use of medical marijuana has been a moot issue here in the United States. Although, thither are wellnesscare professionals that do believe that the use of medical marijuana can be very beneficial for patients. Just as on that point are benefits associated with the use of medical marijuana there are also negative make. Many American are still unfamiliar with Medical Marijuana, so what is medical marijuana? Medical marijuana also known as cannabis sativa(Harold E Dowieko 2009) is a naturally growing plant that produces tetra-hydrocannabinol and cannabidiol.(Harold E Dowieko 2009) These chemicals are both t hought to have possible put togethers on lessening the bad side effects from chronic diseases. Medical marijuana has been used for health reasons for centuries. Marijuana was a legal herb in the United States until 1937 when the United States passed a law do it illegal to sell. (Kring, Davinson, Naele Johnson 2007)Marijuana was then made legal for medicinal use in 1995. The state of atomic number 20 was the first state in the United States to make marijuana legal for medical purposes. Medicinal marijuana is now legal in seventeen states. These states include Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Washington D.C., Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington state. (Thc.me register, n.d.) In all of these state a patient can obtain a medical marijuana license, also referred to as a green card, from a licensed physician. Patients must have documentation stating what chronic illnesses they have that ma y require the need for medicinal marijuana. The physician will then decide if the use of marijuana will be beneficial.Medical marijuana has been proven to benefit patients who have multiple illnesses. The most common uses for medical marijuana are pain relief, loss of appetite, depression, and diseases such as AIDS and cancer. TCH has been proven to block pain receptors in the brain. The blockage of these pain receptors allows patients dealing with chronic pain to have both(prenominal) relief. Medicinal marijuana also stimulates appetite, and relieves symptoms associated with depression, AIDS and cancer. This enables patients to not have to rely on the use of prescription(prenominal) pain pills such opiods. Meidcal marijuana is also less addictive, and has less physical side effects than dissimilar prescription pain relievers.Just as there are positive benefits associated with medical marijuana there are some health risks. First, marijuana is not stupefyd by the FDA. The FDA is the food and drug administration. They regulate medication and ensure the safety and risk associated with drugs. Without the FDA regulating medical marijuana there is no stylus for patients to know if they are getting correct information pertaining to the exact marijuana they are smoking, and if there may be additives or chemicals on the marijuana. This can be risky for patients, because marijuana scrape ups in much different strength. The FDA has also found that dosing of medical marijuana is hard due to the effects taking around 30 minutes for patients to feel. The main health risk that medical marijuana has is psychological effects.According to Kring, Davinson, Naele, and Johnson rapid shifts of emotion, to purblind attention, to fragment thoughts, impair of memory, and sense that time is moving more slowly. (Chapter 10) Kring, Davinson, Naele, and Johnson also stated extremely labored dosing has been found to induce hallucinations and other effects similar to those of LSD . (Chapter 10)Another risk associated with medicinal cannabis is the harmful effect done to lungs.There have been many studies done that look at the respiratory risk associated with constant marijuana use. In one study done with the National Health and Nutrition Examination stare it concluded that the risk of respiratory illness does rise. Marijuana damages lungs just as smoke cigarettes. The uttermost(a) major health risk associated with medical marijuana is a lowered repellent system. This can be very dangerous for patients that are dealing with cancer and AIDS. Since these patients already have very low immune systems because of their disease. Doctors prescribing medicinal marijuana must ensure that the benefits of marijuana use out ways the risks.Although a controversial issue in the United States medical marijuana does have many potential health benefits for patients with chronic illnesses. Statistics now show that eight out of ten Americans support the use of medicinal mar ijuana. This is because previously I have stated through studies done the benefits of medical marijuana outweigh the risks associated with medical marijuana use. With already seventeen states in the United States allowing the legalization of medical marijuana. It is fair to say medical marijuana can be very helpful for patients who need it. Currently there are more states in the mental process of trying to legalize medical marijuana. Some say eventually marijuana as a entire will be a legal substance in the United States. In years to come as Americans we will see how medical marijuana plays a role in the pharmaceutical and medical fields.ReferencesMoore, B., Auguston, E., Moser, r. (2012, October). Respiratory Effects of Marijuana and Tobacco Use in a U.S. SampleBostwick, M. (2012, February Day). Blurred Boundaries The Therapeutics and political sympathies of Medical Marijuana. , p. .dowieko, h. E. (2009). Concepts of medical dependency (7th ed.). cengage learning.Kring, A. M., Davinson, G. G., Naele, J. M., Johnson. S. L. (2007). Abnormal Psychology University of Phoenix Custom Edition eBook. John Wiley and Sons INC.. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, website.THC.me History. (n.d.). Retrieved from http//www.thc.me

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Classical and Positive Theory Essay Example for Free

spotless and Positive Theory EssayClassical Philosophy emphasizes on hu homosexual rationality and freedom. Some classical music writings are written by Plato, Aristotle, Boethius and St. Thomas of Aquinas. These writers of the ancient and medieval school are salve relevant to the philosophical thoughts of today. Nation begins to turn from feudalism and the unexampled world base its governance on rational decision making. Classical thinking also compels justice system to give varying degrees of bustling punishment to offenders.Classical school of rational thoughts believes that suffering is an integral part of humane existence and since man is ordained the highest among the created things he is lord over them which office that what controls man is his free own will. His freedom is based on the fear of pain and death or punishment which makes him control his behavior. Since man is free it means free to choose what is good as dictated by the moral norms and the authority g overning its people. In this way, the State ought to enforce justice in an organized and equitable way.Being free does not represent to do what one wishes to do but choosing what is right. Its relevance in todays casualty is the way how truth is safeguarded in this present society in which sometimes sins becomes a virtue. The classical given(p) protagonists defended and defined what is rational and irrational it distinguishes the upright conscience from the deformed and seemingly easy consciences. Man is therefore relegated to its higher end and in the belief that life is worthwhile. 2) Positivist Theory What factors contributed to the clever heritage of positivism?How does the positivist theory apply in the modern world today, if at only? Positive theory is a search of multiple factors that causes human behavior (CLASSICAL AND POSITIVIST SCHOOLS OF CRIMINOLOGY, 2005). Positivism is a way of seeing things around us based on the actual happenings in the material world. That hu man endeavor has a pattern in which a person can discover in the cancel way. Once the patterns are discovered we can deduce the information into small portions where we can analyze and unwrap the facts about the whole thing.The method of learning is perceived objectively, open minded view to the world. Positive law can be used to change an organization based on the observable scientific data. The masking of natural sciences is applied to the study of human behavior. Positive theory as applied in the modern world could be environmental and biological and sometimes evolutionary which means that traits can be passed on through heredity. A positivists judge rejects the idea that criminal behavior is a top of free will but sought the understanding of the bad action through scientific method. heretofore some psychologists believed that we could diminish the criminal populace by partial elimination which advocates death for those with permanent psychological abnormalities. The first ind icates that man is not responsible of his action and the later concept is contrary to the moral norms and is not acceptable to a humane and free society.ReferencesCLASSICAL AND POSITIVIST SCHOOLS OF CRIMINOLOGY Electronic. (2005). Version. Retrieved 05 November 2007, from http//faculty. ncwc. edu/toconnor/301/301lect02. htm

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Women In Macbeth Essay Example for Free

Women In Macbeth EssayShakespeare Macbeth and Robert brown The science lab, are related via the theme of causation and in both stories in involves a writ of execution plot. In both works it shows ambitious women is willing to resort to murder to accomplish their ends. twain are not afraid to kill, both use a lot of descriptive language and they are both planners. Both women in Macbeth and The science lab are shown to seek power thru an intended killing to gain themselves some power they covet which is currently possessed by their intended victim. Macbeth seeks the crown of Scotland by murdering the king, and the narration of The Laboratory seeks a redress of grievance via the murder of her rival .The similarity in both characters is that both are clear(p) to kill and they showed no remorse or moral problems in it. Like for example in The Laboratory the narrator describes how is she going to kill her lovers mistress. Now that,trying thy glass mask tightlyMy descry tho the se faint smoke curling whitely As though pliest thy trade in this devils smithy Which is the poison to poison her,prither? As this compared to madam Macbeth of killing Duncan, which can be seen in human activity 1, Scene 5 p.20. Come to my womans breast, and take my milk for gall, you murdering minister Whereas in your sightless substanceYou inhabit on natures mischiefCome,thick,nightAnd pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell.With these scene in Macbeth and the lines in The Laboratory poem it shows that the character doesnt show any remorse till the end until she loses her judgment and stricken with guilt. These women shows that they quite brutal, aggressive and violent characters as what Lady Macbeth describes, she would dash her childs thinker on the ground rather than break a promise to her husband whereas the speaker in The Laboratory describes how she would like the rivals to suffer and die. They both use their femininity to manipulate men into doing what they want, and in both contexts, decree would have been appalled by this type of woman.They both seem a little mentally seismic the speaker in The Laboratory is very paranoid and seems to jump between talking about murder and talking about dancing making her sound just a little psychotic Lady M eventually goes mad andcant cope with the guilt, her sleepwalking scene shows just how disturbed she is.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Extended commentary of During Wind and Rain by Thomas Hardy Essay Example for Free

Extended commentary of During Wind and Rain by doubting Thomas intrepid EssayOn the Title An ambiguous and interesting choice of title, in that it is as I will luff some(prenominal) incongruous with the tense (or era-scale) utilise in the poem and draws the readers attention to descriptions of the hold. The word during makes the weather conditions affect the picture. However, the poem is mostly written in the historic present and many of the stanzas depict checks of bright, amiable days not the wind and rain alluded to in the title. There is clearly an intentional discrepancy being orchestrated here by audacious.Quote SLS Bew ar during, the incongruous preposition.Overall Structure Four stanzas of seven capers, with a truly strange ( only if regular) poetry scheme. dauntless uses a very odd structure indeed. The rhyme scheme utilised in the poem consists of ABCBCDA.There be multiple effects of this* The genius-sixth absorb in the stanza breaks the poetic flow of the stanza, as it is the scarce tenor not to rhyme with another hence acting like a mid-stanzaic volta. It draws attention to itself. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that the sixth line of every stanza breaks away from the pedestal of familial happiness mixed in the front five lines, and turns the subject to the severalizeing theme of wipeout. Observe the refrains used* The drawn break A rhyme encompasses the entirety of each stanza. Given that the last line (about death) is linked to the branch (about life), is insolent trying to show the unavoidable connection of life and death?* Seven lines to each stanza perhaps establish a week, just as the four stanzas represent the seasons? Very poor allusion.Themes conclusion, Family life, Time, The Seasons.Difficult Language Notes gayly means happily.First Stanza NotesThey sing their deargonst songs He, she, all of them yea,Treble and tenor and bass,And mavin to playWith the candles mooning each faceAh, no, th e eld OHow the sick leaves reel down in throngsThis poem is one full of re courtition and refrain. The general layout of each stanza, in terms of theme, organisation and repetition of certain lines, the Great Compromiser constant. Each stanza, for example, opens with an image of a family presumably the aforementioned(prenominal) one throughout in a place, or carrying out an action, in a unified and happy way. This stanza evokes a scene of the Victorian family gathered, singing, a orotund a piano (one to play), as piano playing and sing-a-long was, of course, very common in Hardys time.Note how he only uses personal pronouns distancing effect?Hardy goes to perhaps extreme lengths to show the familys unity. On a critical note, one could criticise his rather inefficient use of the counterbalance four lines of this poem, but that is not our aim. Some analysis* They sing their dearest songs. Note the use of a superlative adjective in dearest. It is the first of many. We may query its meaning perhaps it indicates a certain reverence to familial attitude, both(prenominal) in Hardy and in the family itself. They are enjoying it* He, she, all of them. Illustrates a togetherness within the family one which (as Hardy will later comment upon) last inevitably overcomes. The following line regarding the different tuneful voice (Treble and tenor and bass) illustrates a similar thing, but is used to point out that goal affects all elements of family, regardless of age. How very depressing were only at line 3 Even better, he does this in all stanzas.* yea Note use of conversational (conversational) affirmative. Not only is it used to force play the rhyme scheme, but it contrasts with the later Ah, no, which is negative. Hardy does this in all stanzas. Without jumping ahead, however, it is simply a friendly comment of approval.* With the candles mooning each face Night time scene. Interesting, visual perception as it contrasts with the other images presented, whic h are all in bright daylight.* Ah, no the years O Thus we encounter the inter-stanzaic volta. Not only does the rhyme scheme depart from regularity (We label the sixth line in all stanzas the D rhyme, as it is the only line not to use up a rhyming companion). It signifies a departure from the pleasant theme of the unadulterated joy of family life, and an arrival at the theme of its death or the fact that it is all going to pass eventually. As sooner mentioned, the Ah, no contrasts with the previous affirmative. The actual sense of this line is rather obscure. We assume that Hardy is implicitly commenting on the fact that the years take away/ damage the family life as they pass, so does the family and its happiness. O is an interpellation, expressing sadness or mourning for the family.* How the sick leaves reel down in throngs Hardy furthers his ideas about death. present is a line referring to the fall-blooming decay of life leaves falling and the way in which it precedes Death. Note how the leaves, when considered in throngs, may represent wad? In the same way, a reel is a type of dance is this (a slightly sick) dance of death? Unlikely, but we essential remember that Hardy has no qualms with tragic irony.Second Stanza NotesThey clear the creeping moss Elders and juniors aye, make the pathways neat and the garden gayAnd they build a laughable seatAh, no the years, the years assist the white storm-birds wing crosswiseOnce again, Hardy begins his stanza with an image of the family, this time in the garden presumably in spring, as suggested by the fact that they are clearing the carcass of winter (the creeping moss), whilst he describes the garden as gay. One can immediately recognise the structural similarities shared with the first stanza, as intimately as the meaning behind the pleasant image.* Note that Hardy now observes that both Elders and juniors participate again, he differentiates between the different members of the family, but now u ses the factor of age, as opposed to musical voices. This serves only to streng indeed the original analysis that unity may be visible and, indeed, enjoyable, but it is only fleeting in the face of Death. Lovely* Observe how the familys actions are arranged around both making the place neat/pretty and around comfort. Making pathways neat and building a shady seat have only temporary effects upon happiness the moss will grow back, the pathways will fail untidy in time, when winter (representing Death and decay) comes. Thus we find that Hardy is setting up, within his pleasant image, the backdrop upon which he wishes to point out that all happiness, joy and life itself is fleeting.* Or is it an image of the futility of tender-hearted feat the weather will erode the order imposed upon it, and ultimately Death will take to the woods?* On an aside evidence for the scene being set in spring if the seat is shady, then surely the sun must be out in broad daylight not a symptom comm only associated with the Wintry illnessAh, no the years, the yearsSee the white storm-birds wing acrossAnd yet, on cue, Hardy revives his alternative theme this time with a slightly different D rhyme/phrase. The colloquial negative remains, but Hardy uses the echo of the years to emphasize the passage of time. He uses the same phrase in the fourth stanza, yet repeats the primary ejaculation in the third stanza (they alternate).The final line of the stanza is rather interesting. Storm-birds sound like mythical beasts perhaps the extremity of phrase reflects that of Death? yet they are most likely geese, flying away before Winter comes. It is not as disturbing an image as that of the leaves reeling, but it again points to the same idea. The use of strong verbs in all final lines in all stanza adds to their strength reel in Stanza One, wing in the second, etc. To wing itself is an unusual choice, perhaps adding to a sense of the supernatural. Think back to Neutral Tones and the omin ous bird a-wing. The verb has the same effect here. tertiary Stanza NotesThey are blithely breakfasting all Men and maidens yea,Under the summer tree,With a glance of the bay,While pet fowl come to the kneeAh, no the years OAnd the rotten rose is ript from the wall.Here Hardy is at last explicit about the season and its effects much as Autumn and Winter are representative of Death and decay, spring and summer bear idyllic delights. In this stanza, we find ourselves in the latter.One cannot overdo the emphasis which Hardy applies to the seasons. He pictures human life as tragically linear, whilst examine it to the inevitably cyclical seasons. In the end, the seasons especially Winter bring about the decay of a finite life. And yet, to begin with, this stanza suggests that the family are blissfully unaware of that fact.* Once again, we find the family in unity and happy seeing as they are blithely breakfasting suggesting a disregard for the potential decay and sadness. They app ear to live in the happy present.* It has been suggested that the family have now grown up, seeing as they are now described as Men and maidens as opposed to Elders and juniors. Side point no way to substantiate claim. Of course, now Hardy differentiates between them using sex all the more differences which Death can overcome.* Allusions to an Arcadian ideal a perfect landscape, full of happiness are impossible to avoid. Under the summer tree / With a glimpse of the bay it sounds more like Tuscany than Britain Of course, Hardy is not that explicit. The bay may just as well be a bay tree, as much as a bit of coastland. Still, the image remains idyllic. And yet, I Death am here.* The pet fowl may represent a further theme of happiness domesticated or unsophisticated livestock have always been kept for the happiness of ones stomach or ones heart. Either will do. More human endeavour to be laid waste to by Death?Here, as usual, the poem breaks away and returns to the original eja culation about the years passing. Note how the O lengthens the line it slows the reader down. Otherwise analysed above.The final image aware of Death, however, is of our greatest interestThe rotten rose is ript from the wall.Again, an ambiguous phrase creates the sense of sickening mystery which Death itself possesses. Not only does the obvious alliteration of the r sound mount both the tension and force placed upon the final verb, but it also mirrors the ugly nature of the act itself. Ript is merely an archaic recite of ripped the sense is the same and bears the same strength.Yet who, or what, rips up the rose? Obviously, the image is representative of Death claiming a life the verb suggests an unpleasant or untimely death. Quote SLS A complete breaking from life. Perhaps we can extrapolate this further to make a comment on the roughness of Death in Hardys eyes? It may well be the wind. This would fit with the title, although we must still ponder the incongruous preposition, during. Perhaps the entire image is metaphorical, and Death is simply tearing a previously beautiful flower (rotten is probably representative of old) away from life? fourth Stanza NotesThey change to a high new house,He, she, all of them aye,Clocks and carpets and chairsOn the lawn all day,And the brightest things that are theirsAh, no the years, the yearsDown their carved label the rain-drop ploughs.Clearly the family have grown wealthier, to move house and, it seems, they have moved quite literally up in the world, as it is a high one. One may question whether this stanza overly reflects upon the materialistic joys of the world. Maybe that is Hardys intention. I doubt, however, that this is an explicit attack upon those who take to be material objects rather a memento mori, in that, despite the temporary pleasure of wealth and possessions, Death will always claim victory. Deeper analysis* Note how we have returned to He, she, all of them. Have we come round in a full generati onal cycle?* The weather remains good, as the family display their possessions on the lawn, presumably as they either prepare to move them to the new house from the old, or simply before they have been properly installed. Clearly Hardy is using summer to represent joy and prosperity.* The language bears itsy-bitsy complexity hence little analysis Is this done to reflect the simple, but enjoyable, pleasures of materialistic desires and good weather?* Brightest things which are theirs. Note another superlative. Relevance/ importance, other than to add emphasis?(Have previously analysed the secondary ejaculation. direct repeated.)The final image of the poem is possibly the most interesting, dramatic and explicit.Down their carved names the rain-drop ploughs.Here Hardy at last makes an explicit reference to the subject of death, in that their carved names are grave stones, whilst also tying in the title (with the reference to the weather). Primarily, we are shocked by the contrast cl early, Hardy is imagining the same individuals with whom we are now familiar (as the family) as being dead. They have been buried. This is a very sudden and rather upsetting realisation. Hardy very successfully makes his point about the frailty and lay nature of life. Their successes and happiness are irrelevant. How depressingWorse, Hardy suggests that the weather erodes them not only in life, but also destroys (ploughs) their memory in death the rain drop appears to be eroding away the names from the stones. This insensitivity contrasts with the use of names, which are highly personal.Perhaps, however, Hardy intends ploughs to be positive. As in the agricultural sense, the rain drop prepares for new growth?Final note Is the narrator writing the poem in the grave-yard? Are the images he recollects merely his memories of a family now dead the images of Death are all misadventure around him during wind and rain? Clever point. Perhaps.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Tornado in Oklahama Essay Example for Free

Tornado in Oklahama EssayTornadoes are violent rotating column of air extending from a electric storm to the ground. Tornadoes are known to cause a lot of destruction depending on how violent it occurs. Tornadoes are more common in the United States than any other country. United States receives more than one thousand cardinal hundred tornadoes annually. Most tornadoes in the United States occur in Tornado Alley an area including states of Oklahama, Texas, bit and Kansas.This piece of work will mainly dwell on comparison of data of tornadoes occurring in states of Oklahama, Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri. METHODS decimal Data Analysis This is the method used to correct this piece of work where the various portions of the data where compile from records Time series the information used to conduct this study was done over a layover of time where tornadoes relative frequency, fatality, injuries and arrive of deaths are indicated. RESULTSCompared with other states, Oklahama ranks numeral 2 for frequency to tornadoes, 7 for number of death,9 for injuries and 5 for address of damages. If we compare this statistics to other states by frequency per square mile, Oklahama ranks number 2 for frequency of tornadoes, number 10 for fatalities, number 15 for injuries per square and number 4 for apostrophize per area. The state of Missouri ranks number 8 for frequency, 12 for number of deaths, 15 for injuries and 9 for cost of damage.Comparing with statistics of other states by frequency per square mile, Missouri ranks number 13 for frequency of tornadoes, 14 for fatalities, 19 for injuries per square and 15 for cost per area. In Kansas we have it ranked 3 for frequency of tornadoes, 8 for number of deaths, 14 for injuries and 3 for cost of damage. In comparison with statistics of other states it ranks number 4 for frequency of tornadoes, 13 for fatalities, 22 for injuries per area and 8 for cost per area.Arkansas is ranked number 16 for frequency of tornadoes, 8 for number of deaths, and 14 for injuries 3 for cost of damage. When compared with statistics of other states by frequency per square mile, Arkansas ranks number 16 for frequency of tornadoes, 5 for fatalities, 7 for injuries per square and 16 per cost per area.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Managing Information Essay Example for Free

Managing teaching Es positIntroductionWith or so 40 years experience has percolaten the indus try bulge issue change many times, and has always kept itself at the nous of thatchange. Its reputation is a source of pride for all who work here, and its something were keen to bear upon and develop the only way possible through satisfying our clients. We do developed into a direct multidisciplinary nonplusor offering a truly comprehensive, integrated service to clients in development, complex body touch off, energy and many several(predicate) sectors. (See accompaniment 1 for Organisational charts of company)My hypothesize role at heart the physical composition is quiet a varied one in that my day to day activities atomic number 18 never quite the same, solely to restart my main duties include submitting monthly applications in line with the several(a) induces worked on for example NEC and JCT to fall upon but a few, attending position progress re deferings with a range of clients from the commercial / technical and winding departments, submitting internal applications and working progress, attending internal financial meetings with the Financial Director / end Director and prudence Accountant and producing a report with the inclusion of monthly forecasts, attending meetings with Contracts theater directors and Estimating conductor to converse and produce calculate and luff tags, completion of contract sum analysis and end life forecasts which argon therefore discussed and concord by the Demolition Director, overseeing a wide variety of sub contractors from unlike construction disciplines employ which requires the pack to send sur flavor aff qualified packages, raising and awarding sub contract governs, raising of sub contract payments after assessing applications received. All the supra assists in the monitoring of various contracts and ensures invents atomic number 18 delivered on time at bottom bud present and the client receives maximum satis incidention to secure future work opportunities.1.0 Understand the prudence of Information within the plaque 1.1 Critically assess education flow through a number of polar channels within the organisation Throughout the organisation there is various different types of study used which is transposered throughout the organisation in several capacities. Information familiarly described as below product and Operational Information on as dress circles / quality / standards Financial Information Pro follow / Costs / Margins / Cash function / Tar break d witnesss Internal Documentation Purchase Orders / Delivery Notes / Invoices Applications / Credit Notes / Departmental reports / Department Meetings and minutes / Hire Sheets / whole caboodle Sheets and Information / Al lieu Sheets and Plant Returns / Employees Records / Cost Books Tender Information / Applications and Invoices (Client) All the supra is abeted with an integrated Management b odyThis Integrated Management System outlines how Cuddy plans to satisfy the Quality requirement of ISO90012008 (Quality Management System Specification) Health safety requirements of OHSAS180012007 (Occupational Health guard duty Assessment Series 18001) Environmental requirements of ISO140012004 (Environmental Management Systems Specification) by operational a framework establish on these requirements This Integrated Management System is intended to directly meet the requirements of the following legislation and regulations Health Safety at Work Act 1974 Section 2(3) requires organisations to use up a Health Safety policy which should include Statement of Intent (i.e. Health Safety mission)Organisation (i.e. structure, roles responsibilities)Arrangements (i.e. unconscious solve and guidance)Management of Health Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Regulation 5 requires organisations to baffle arrangements for undertaking utile planning, organisation, control, monitoring and re prospect of the preventive and protective health and safety eyeshades. HSG65 Successful Health Safety Management This guidance outlines the solicitude system requirements for implementing the arrangements required within regulation 5 of the Management of Health and Safety Work Regulations 1999. This Integrated Management System dispense with for provide the mechanism for managing oppo turn up(a) legislative, regulatory and other policy requirements (e.g. risk assessment, training, etc). Above abstract taken from CuddyTo be read alongside the IMS as an aid is the followingStandard agencysForms and Guidance NotesStandard Operating usesCertificates, Insurances, LicencesPolicy StatementsStandard COSHH and Risk AssessmentsAs touched(p) on there argon various different ways in which the nurture is transfereered throughout the organisation with the use of electronic, hard-fought copy and spoken for the various types, all this aids us to capture the different types o f hard and soft selective nurture we pauperisation in order to ensure a project is a successful one. Soft education includes feelings, perceptions, opinions values on the other hand hard development includes nonsubjective selective tuition and experience. http//onemind.com/2010/03/07/hard-and-soft-information/I assimilate touched on how information is transferred internally and specialally in the baron and from a managers point of put on through various different capacities but harbort gone into depth how information is transferred to the boys on the front line on commit. As I currently see it within the company there is overstep breakdown in communication from when we tender and win a billet to what information is received on post and in feature how the position personnel are managed on that specific subscriber line In relation to what but we priced.This I study is impacting on the duration we are taking to complete the seam and impacting on the possibility of buzz off the duty as successful as possible, similarly this may withstand a negative effect on the company as whole whilst tendering for works in the future. As part of the IMS there are offices in stick (listed below), but neither allows for the bearing and information to be transferred to direct. To summarise from the information that is transferred take to be conduct, wide-eyed and station out in the way in which the site supervisor understands what is required in order to ensure the project is successful. Place for Enquiry, tender and contract review insure DeliveryAs a brief understanding in reference to specifically the Demolition Department we have an estimating director who go out visit the sites which require pricing and produce a constitute book document which is passed to the demolition director and managing director for comment before submitting what they believe to be our most competitive tender and or bid. If we are lucky enough to be successful in w inning that specific job the approach book along with the tender information ordain be passed to the germane(predicate) contracts manager and quantity surveyor in order to generate a budget / target sheet and an extent of works sheet. This is when the nerve centre managers have the opportunity to raise any queries regarding the job with the estimating director or the demolition director on what exactly has been allowed and priced for.The next step in the current process is for the tender information to be copied and a site file produced and passed to the supervisor in order to carry out the works. The cost book, target / budget sheet is non passed onto site and this is undecomposed for reference amidst the pump managers and directors of the company for the protection of vital information. therefore I propose we come up with a procedure that volition allow the smooth transfer of information to site and give a clear indication of what exactly has been allowed in the tender. In cathode-ray oscilloscope this procedure I hope to bridge the gap between site and the information held at the office, and in doing so hold regular meetings with agendas, minutes disturbed.1.2 Propose improvements to the flow of information within your area of responsibility, based on your organisational assessment Due to my job role creation one in which I try to minimise cost and enhance value you for money, I believe in setting clear and simple targets to the Supervisors on site this impart empower them and give them incentives and a clear understanding on what consumes to be achieved in order to ensure the job awarded becomes a successful and profitable one. As mentioned antecedently in the current situation the Supervisors are given the tender information and briefly developed the job but in some senses are left to run the job with open ended targets and no clear sense of direction or management, this is turn is causing jobs to run over and us not maximizing profitabilit y.Currently the transfer of information from tender stage stops at the middle managers point. The reasons being for this is collectible to overconfidentiality of the information contained within the cost book and target / budget sheet and as managers there is information we do not want the site operatives to see. accordingly the first action in the procedure would be to hold a pre start meeting orinitial meeting or the like on site with the following being in attendance. The reason I have listed the below as typically they provide be deciding factor on how well a job goes Relevant Contracts ManagerRelevant Quantity SurveyorRelevant target Supervisor indoors this meeting the job as a whole would be discussed briefly only. In demolition for example it is possible to break a popular job up into the following categories Site set upAsbestos RemovalSoft StripDemolition to top of slabRemoval of slabs and foundationsCrush materialClear SiteAs you backside see from above generally the re are a few different categories of work required to be carried out on a typical demolition job. Therefore I believe we should not choose to discuss the whole job in detail but targets given for each individual work performance only, as if we discuss the job in detail this may cause the supervisor to go into his / her racing shell and be intimidated before the job has even commenced. Therefore within this procedure it pull up stakes be broken down into the specific work activities and depending on the size of the job these work activates could even be broken up into phases if need be. For example in the first pre start meeting or initial meeting the general site set up would be discussed and particular what is required in find of cabins / welfare / heras fencing to name a few items and the location of where we intend to site up site.As it currently stands the contracts manager usually sets up the site but I believe if we have the supervisor on board ahead of time doors and all ow him to have an stimulant drug of the set up required / location this volition give him a sense of pride and authority that he is in charge of the site. What site set up thats required usually depends on the size of the site but typically this usually takes a week or longer and under current HS and CDM Regulations 2007 no works are to commence unless the following are in lay out Flushing toilets and running water and drainage systems.Washing Facilities with impatient and cold water.Soap or other suitable bureau of cleaning.Towels or other suitable means of drying.Sufficient ventilation and lighting.Sinks large enough to wash face, hands and forearms.Drinking Water.Changing rooms and lockers. stay Facilities and heating.After initial site set up has been completed another progress meeting exit be held on site with a specific target laid out for the work activeness in question. Generally on a demolition site Asbestos Removal usually has to take channelise before we toilet c ommence soft strip depending on what type of asbestos and in line with the specific site asbestos report in place. But for example if we take the job as a running(a) project and the soft strip brooknot commence until after the asbestos, then within this meeting we discuss in length the asbestos removal and set a clear target with the input from the supervisor. Typical of example of this target could be again depending on size of the site but take for arguments sake we take it as the site is take apart up into 5 phases. variant 1 -10 Men x 6 WeeksPhase 2-5 Men x 3 WeeksPhase 3 -8 Men x 5 WeeksPhase 4 -8 Men x 2 WeeksPhase 5 -6 Men x 6 WeeksThe groundwork impart put in by the middle managers to ensure the target above is in line with the cost book and or target / budget sheet, and in line with this procedure it depart attempt to set it out as basic as possible in order to attempt to take as much pressure off as possible. Weekly progress meeting will be held after the initial meet ing in order to reflect on the previous weeks activity. inside this meeting it will be an opportunity for the supervisor to assess his performance and the performance of his team on site, in doing so will be a self appraisal tool for the supervisor without knowing. It will likewise give the middle managers an update of current position in respect of the targets set out and give an opportunity to amend or changeanything that is not quiet working correctly and remark the things that are. The meetings will continue on a periodic introduction with clear targets and open and frank discussions with input from all parties to bring forth a sense of a team as I believe this will help with the running of the job.Constant communication will be held throughout on a free-and-easy basis to ensure all parties are aware of constant on release on site. When works have been completed the final action in the procedure would be to have a post contract meeting again with all parties where all the information is discussed /analysed / targets reviewed and the like. This will be handy in passing play forward and used as a tool to gather date / information. This information could be provide back to the estimating director and demolition director in order to have the full circle should a similar job arise in the future. The above will be written out in a clear procedure therefore should psyche leave the company, or the job being transferred to someone else then everyone will be aware what is required of them. SeeAppendix 4 for proposed new ProcedureBy lay in place the above procedure it will aid with spoken, electronic and hard information and the transfer of. Spoken Due to the nature of the procedure it encourages the daily dialogue between managers and the site supervisors. Hard Copies Agendas and Minutes will be taken of all meetings taken placed, which will be updated electronically and selectd accordingly. Electronic Targets will be collated and circulated, along wit h copy of the minutes.2.0 Gather and Analyse information to make conclusions to form problems in your area of responsibility 2.1 Collect information from a wide range of sources to support management conclusion-making Site Managers / SupervisorsVerbal examples from site managers / supervisors stating that the lack of information in respect of the scope / tender inclusions is having a negative impact on the overall performance of our jobs. As mentioned this is transferred verbally therefore we will have to take into account of its dependableness and hardihood.As mentioned previously there is a clear breakdown in the flow of informationfrom when we price and win a job to the information passed onto site and the management of that information in order to make the job as successful as possible. This is readily backed up from verbal conversations with the site supervisors themselves who are unsure of what the extents of works are and the possible impact this is having on the duratio n of the projects? Specifically within the Construction Industry as a manager the below is at the principal of every finding we make.The triangle illustrates the relationship between three ancient forces in a project. cartridge holder is the available time to deliver the project, cost represents the amount of money or resources available and quality represents the fit-to-purpose that the project must achieve to be a success. http//www.projectsmart.co.uk/project-management-scope-triangle.html But ultimately the ratiocinations we make from site level up the chain to the managing directors fit the import. Below is evidence that everyone makes decisions.Above it shows the impact and importance of decisions with regards to the Cuddy Group it is possible to split the three groups up into the following eminent Value -Managing Directors and DirectorsMedium Value-Middle Managers e.g. Contracts Managers and Quantity Surveyors Low Value-Site Managers and Site forcefulnessQuiet often w hen making a decision we use past experience in order to aid and assist us. Past knowledge or the information that is generally contained within the brains of individuals is generally cognize as understood knowledge. This knowledge is continually getting updated and revised depending on learning, experiences and insight. There are various different types of knowledge and this is summarised in various personates. One of the widely accepted approaches to summarising knowledge management is the Nonaka Takeushi, (see appendix 9 for web location) Below are a couple of diagrams showing the matrix.Nonaka Takeuchi toughie the process of organisational knowledge creation as a spiral in which knowledge is amplified through these four modes of knowledgeconversion. summon taken from class notes.Along with the specific project management matrix / flow and knowledge diagrams there is general management information available that will aid in decision making see below.Reliability and grimne ss Model (see appendix 9 for web location)Knowledge Classifications Model (see appendix 9 for web location)Good decisions make erect projects, so what makes a good decision (and, hence, a good project)? The answer is, one thats well planned. But then you run into the question of how long the decision-making process should take. Well, the last thing we need is a new formal methodology for decision-makingnothing would ever get done. Thats why Id like to propose several useful rules you can apply to decision-makingConsider the importance of the decision. To determine the importance of a decision, ask yourself What are the consequences for both the project and for you? In reality, how urgent is the decision? (Note that theres a difference between important and urgent.) Ask yourself if there are more options. In other words, if youre choosing between three options, ask yourself if theres also a fourth option. Think about stakeholders opinions. Have you listened to the opinions of stakeh olders in the decision? You should. Even though they may not like your ultimate decision, theyll have to live with it. Concede the fact that youre going to make some irrational decisions. We often make decisions almost by reflex, using a combination of experience, selective information analysis, gut feelings, fear, personal preference, and peer pressure.Im not saying that you shouldnt take into account your sense of self-preservation, the views of your team, or your recollections about why a previous project caused you grief. You just need to be aware that each new situation demands a clear point of view and a fresh decision otherwise, the same mistakes will recur. Re fragment that even some small choices can have big consequences. Dont underestimate the possibility that major consequences could result from seemingly insignificant choices you make along the way.http//www.techrepublic.com/article/decisions-decisions-make-them-timely-wisely-and-responsibly/1049740 Along with the info rmation above collated from the web I have also read the following text books / Management books.NLP Pocketbook (see appendix 10)Engaging Employees, A possible guide for busy leaders managers (see appendix 10) Both books aid management and in particular with decision making. In respect of the NLP Pocketbook it produmitaly focus on yourself and your actions, It works on a pine name and address setting strategy. vivid goal setting is Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic and within a defined Time Frame.SSpecific and positiveM Measurable and meaningful to youAAchievable and spawning all areas of your life, utter in the present tense as if you have achieved it now RRealistic and right for youTTimes and targeted, towards what you want.In addition to SMART goal setting, NLP incorporates a process called creating a well-formed outcome. Creating a well-formed outcome involves petition a series of questions that will help you clarify your goal. They will help you to ascertain how important the goal is to you, how (if necessary) to revise it and make it more achievable.Well formed outcome questionsIs the goal stated positively? What do you want? (Eg, wanting to increase company profits kind of than a statement about cut the loss) Can you start and maintain the process of achieving the goal by yourself, and keep it in your control? Does the goal include all the senses? How will you know you have achieved it? What will you feel, see and hear when you have achieved it? What will other people fee, see and say when you have achieved it? Is the context clearly defined? How long will it take? Who will be involved? Where will it take place? How will it be achieved? When do you want it? Have you checked that it is ecological or meaningful for you, ie is it worth the investment in time and money? Does the outcome fit in with your life and who you are? Does the goal keep those aspects of the present situation you want to preserve, ie are there positive elements you w ish to maintain? Does it identify the resources you need those you already haveor those you need to acquire? What first step must you take? What are the next steps?Abstract directly taken from the NLP Pockebook.But in contrast to the above the Engaging Employees, A practical guide for busy leaders managers text book focuses predominately on how to get the best out of your team. See contents page taken from the text book to back this up.Is starts with you think to communicateUnderstanding your audienceEngaging people in changeFace to face matters group meetings getting it togetherHigh Impact presentationsChecking youre getting throughEffective email at lastThe write stuff.2.2 Analyse the information collected from a wide variety of sources, to inform decision-makingProject Management ModelsWhen project managing a job in construction there are various different types of models that we are able to follow some of which I have given examples of but ultimately the primary focus specifi cally within the construction industry is the triangle between the three primary forces. Delivering the job on time, within budget to a high standard. conclusiveness making modelWith the triangle in mind we all have to make decisions of variable impact and volume as is set out in the decision making model. With this in mind managing information and the decisions we make are key. By not making a decision youre making a decision to not make a decision taken from the ILM class notes. The decisions we make as a business ultimately determines how successful the outcome is, and in particular the flow of information within the company to aid our decision making is critical. Therefore before we makeany decisions we have to take into account the impact of the decisions we are making. Nonaka takeuchi modelWhen making a decision we usually take into account past experiences / doing otherwise defined as mum Knowledge. Under the Nonaka Takeuchi model it explains the relationship and how we ca n turn Tacit Knowledge into Explicit knowledge which can be readily transmitted to others. Most common forms of hard-core knowledge are manual, documents and procedures in our organisation we can relate to the ILM system and the various procedures in place. Please see below which makes good reading. The conspicuous had attempted to be bought by a buyer in other words the tacit knowledge had attempted to be turned into explicit knowledge but due to it possibly not being documented correctly or the manner in which it was presented not being explained correctly it failed.Therefore the tacit knowledge that had been turned into explicit knowledge was little or no use to the buyer. We must supernumerary this in mind if we are relying too heavily on explicit knowledge and in particular how reliable the knowledge is? In the same sense its possible to categorise Wikipedia as explicit knowledge but we have to take into account the source and what past experience or where the information or iginated from before using it to make a decision. Bessemer steel process Bessemer sold a apparent(a) for his groundbreaking steel making process and was sued by the purchasers who couldnt get it to work. In the end Bessemer set up his own steel company because he knew how to do it, even though he could not convey it to his patent users. Bessemers company became one of the largest in the world and changed the face of steel making.15 http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tacit_knowledgeMeasuring Validity and Reliability modelWhen gathering information to make a decision we must take in the validity and dependableness of what we looking to achieve. Especially within the construction industry there is specific ways in which to measure or calculate something and this can be best described as the below.ReliabilityReliability refers to how tenacious a measuring device is. A measurement is said to be reliable or conformable if the measurement can produce similarresults if used again in similar circumstances. For example, if a speed indicator gave the same readings at the same speed it would be reliable. If it didnt it would be pretty useless and unreliable.Importantly reliability of self-report measures, such as psychometric tests and questionnaires can be assessed using the split half method. This involves splitting a test into two and having the same participant doing both halves of the test. If the two halves of the test provide similar results this would notify that the test has internal reliability.http//www.holah.karoo.net/reliabilityandvalidity.htmIn respect of validity this refers to the extent of what we are measuring and what we hope to measure.ValidityThis refers to whether a study measures or examines what it claims to measure or examine. Questionnaires are said to often lack validity for a number of reasons. Participants may lie give answers that are desired and so on. It is argued that qualitative data is more valid than quantitative data.http//www.holah.k aroo.net/reliabilityandvalidity.htmBoth the reliability and validity have categories in themselves in which we can use to measure if they are achieving what we set out to achieve. To summarise we need to be mindful if we are using specific data or gathered information if its reliable and valid in terms of what we are hoping to achieve and fit for purpose.Information to Knowledge ManagementWith respect of the next model it gives us an insight of how the ever evolving computer industry and in particular the capacity to investment firm and distribute data / information is enabling personnel learning and also the capacity to make correct decision in going forward. Given an example that is germane(predicate) to the Cuddy group is the below. We are able to save / enclose and distribute raw facts and figures on a particular job and in doing so we are able to see if a job was successful in respect of profit? We then can motionon to give meaning to the obtained data in respect of informat ion and give reasons why that job was successful?We then can analyse the derived information and understand what we did well on that job. This will then give us the wisdom going forward to know what to do for the best on other jobs. As mentioned evolving technology is aiding us with the transfer and storing of this information and aiding us with the capability of personnel learning. There are various examples and models that differ slightly some of which I have given examples but all cover the above. General Management ToolsAs the assignment is targeted at middle managers I have looked into the impact that decisions have and what to consider before making decisions? As a rule the following appliesConsider the importance of the decisionAsk yourself if there are more optionsThink about stakeholders opinionsConcede youre going to make some irrational decisionsRemember that even small choice have big consequencesI also looked into how SMART goal setting and how to engage with employees. 2.3 Use this analysis of information to make and justify a management decision Using the analysis and the information collated along with the procedure I believe this will better the flow of information throughout the company.The triangleThe procedure will aid with delivering the job on time within budget and to a high standard. Delivering the job on time By having periodical meetings on site and the constant daily dialogue this should enable any problems to be caught at an early stage and thus giving time to nip in the bud the potential to impact on progress and in particular the end date which quiet often is key to a job being a successful one from a clients point of view. Within Budget Due to the procedure allowing for a review of the target v actual on a periodic basis this will enable weekly monitoring of the budget to ensure everything is on track, atm there if only an stipend of monthly reporting and its possible for any job to change dramatically from month to month. Hi gh Standard Again as the procedure allows for the contractsmanager / quantity surveyor to visit site at least once a week with the supervisor having chance to put his / hers views across together this should raise standards.Decision making modelIn reference to the procedure this will reiterate the fact that everyone makes decisions especially as minutes will be keep, actions assigned and closed out as and when this occurs.Nonaka Takeuchi ModelWith the procedure in place it will allow for smoother transfer of tacit knowledge into Explicit Knowledge. This will be done by taking minutes monitoring progress against targets and reporting this information back to directors / managing directors in order to have the full cycle.Validity and ReliabilityUnder the procedure progress meetings will be held on site this will allow us to audit and monitor the reliability and the validity of the information we are being told by the site manager / supervisor. This will be used as a checking tool be fore information is transferred around the company to directors and managing directors alike.Knowledge ManagementWith the procedure set in place where minutes are taken / targets are monitored it will allow for us to save / store and distribute raw facts. Also with the weekly minutes we will be to give meaning to the obtained data for example why we missed out specific targets? Why we bettered targets? From this then we can analyse the information and understand how and why? This will then enable us to make the correct decisions in going forward. Along with the analysing the above models and information, I have taking account of why from a managers point of view why the procedure in place will aid with the running of jobs on site and the transfer of information.With regards to the current situation of producing the cost book that is translated to a target / budget sheet, this information will be little or no use to the supervisor for a number of reasons listed below Information ove rload Due to the nature of the document this may cause confusion in the way the document is set out, therefore as set out in the procedure by breaking things the whole job down into specific tasks this will more thanlikely take the pressure off and give a clear understanding of what is required and expected off of them. This is likely to make them less intimated and more confident as if they are clear More hands on and practical The academic level of a supervisor generally is not the same as what we would normally expect from a middle manager in that the cost book / target and budget sheet will not be fit for purpose if passed onto the supervisor, therefore the information should be broken down so it is easily understood. Team ethos As it currently stands the information is passed to the supervisor with no clear direction and management give, therefore by employing the proposed procedure this will then bridge the gap and increase the we are in it together approach. Why will meetin gs be held face to face?Sense of Importance By making the effort to travel to site, as typically our sites are all of the United Kingdom then this will instil into the supervisor the cartel he needs in that he got your support should he need it. Ability may not be able to use the computer therefore face to face will enable supervisors to have an opportunity to contribute their input without feeling intimidated Sense of importance By holding the meetings face to face this will enable them to feel like they got you in their corner and in doing so should create a clear divide from site operatives to supervisors. Meetings more personnel Generally meetings face to face are more personnel and can be structured better with agendas / minutes and the like assisting Why will the supervisor in respect of the site operatives be the only site member to be part of the meeting?Clear level of management between site operatives / supervisors and middle managers This will empower the site super visors and in doing have a clear barrier between the site operatives and himself. Self Worth It will also give the site supervisor the self worth and mutual respect between himself and the middle manager, hopefully this should increase productivity as he is likely to want to do more for the middle manager if he believes he has the respect. Respect earns respect Company generally uses agency Labour As touched on previously due to the company operating throughout the company there is the need to employ agency labour, by having weekly meetings with the supervisor in attendance again this is creating a clear structure. How the meetings should be conducted?Ability plenty of discussions questions to ensure supervisor gets points youre making. Allow supervisor to have their say and input By asking questions this will allow supervisor to have their say and input. Informally rather than formally, dont want supervisor to feel under spotlight Due to the nature of the construction industry and especially on site it is rather informal, therefore if the meetings are held in the same manner this should enable the middle line managers to get the most out of the supervisors. From analysing the various different models and combining with general middle management responsibilities I believe the procedure I have put in place will significantly help with the transfer of information from site to board level alike.3.0 Disseminate information on a management decision, through the right organisational channels 3.1 Communicate information to team member or other colleagues to meet business objectives, using appropriate organisational channels In reference to the procedure set up this should allow for the constant communication of how a specific job is performing from site level to the board of directors and in particular through the correct organisational channel. To elaborate on the aboveSite Supervisors will have constant dialogue with middle managers on a daily basis, with a we ekly progress held on site to discuss performance. Munities of the meeting with be typed up and performance analysed with knowledge added to explain how performance is operating? Are we going to hit our target? Be on time? Within budget? To name a few of the questions answered? This will then in turn be break off to the relevant director, finance director and the management accountant. This will then be discussed on weekly basis in the departmental weekly progress meeting, and the fortnightly Trading Review meeting with finance with the relevant directors.This in turn then can be reported back to the MD by the relevant directors when board level meeting happens. As you can see from the procedure put in place we will allow for the reporting from site to board of directors level to be on a weekly basis rather than a monthly as is currently in place, this in turn will give us every opportunity possible to achieve the best possibleoutcome in respect of the construction triangle. Delive ring the job on time, within budget to a high standard.3.2 Communicate information to stakeholders or customers to meet business objectives In reference to the procedure as mentioned previously this will allow for the constant flow of information from site to managing directors (stakeholders) to be done on a weekly basis. In respect of customers or clients quiet the construction triangle is key, therefore by having weekly progress meetings this information will be able to be fed back to the client, giving them the confidence that we are putting their needs first the customer is always right ethos