Thursday, April 18, 2019

Identification of managerial, financial, legal and ethical Case Study

Identification of managerial, financial, legal and honorable implications for Problem Identification in the Healthc are Sector - Case Study ExampleThis creates a hesitance to utilize health care services preventatively which has long-term financial implications in terms of hospital and clinic gainfulness and, ultimately, on general society as well who must support government-sponsored health care. Statistics Immigrant Latino workers image much higher traumatic injury rates, approximately 33 percent higher than U.S. municipal workers (Molina, 2011). This is collectable to the fact that immigrant Latinos are often not properly educated with specialized training and therefore are able to land only dangerous jobs in which they are often exploited by their domestic employer (Molina). In this situation, they are not being provided adequate health care insurance and thus collapse longer recovery times in the event of non-fatal, traumatic injury on the job. Lost productiveness is one f inancial problem for the employer, however their lack of health insurance makes them reliant on government-sponsored systems that bend state and federal level budgets for health provision that impacts society as a whole.

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