Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Conflict Resolution in Health Care Setting Essay

Conflict Resolution in Health Care Setting - Essay exemplarConflict vill senesce in the health setting requires the presence of intricate and complex competencies. Appropriate and pertinent strategies help to reduce or mitigate problems in the health burster setting. This research paper volition study the scenario of a patient role suffering from chills and fever kidney failure. The patient has refused to be treated with dialysis which can amend quality of life. The scope of the paper will be concerned about implementing appropriate, ethical, and realistic conflict resolution methods. This paper will seek to use diverse research resources in order to deduce hi-fi and reliable results.Scott is a sixty year old patient who has been diagnosed with acute kidney failure. Health care physicians withdraw recommended dialysis in order to produce superior outcomes. Dialysis will also improve the quality of life for Scott. so far the patient is depressed and frustrated that the treatm ent is futile. He is no longer concerned about treating and managing acute kidney failure. He has beliefs that in any event his life will end irrespective of treatment or disease management. Health care physicians are insisting on provision of accurate and appropriate care for the patient.Scott retired from a position as a bank manager when he was fifty six eld old. His retirement years were marked by considerable psychological problems. Physical health for the patient was chiefly appropriate. However financial and economic problems have also taken a toll on the patient. The patient also lives alone as he has separated from his wife. His relations with siblings and children are also estranged. At the age of fifty eight, the patient was diagnosed with minor kidney problems. Health care professionals assessed and evaluated the patient requirements. Initially the patient was diagnosed with minor nephritic problems. Diuretics were recommended to the patient (Romeu, 1996). However wit h the passage of time, the health care professionals detected that metabolic acidosis had significantly increased. A testimonial for dialysis was initiated for the patient. Electrolyte abnormality was also recognized in the patients body. Pericarditis was also found to be prevalent and rampant wrong the patient (Romeu, 1996). Psychological, financial, and physical problems seem to have created frustration, anxiety, and depression in the patient. He has refused to take up medical treatment which can efficiently and effectively improve quality of life. Conflict ContextThe conflict has arisen in the wake of numerous problems faced by the patient.

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